Monday, March 14, 2011

Buy White And Black Damask Wrapping Paper

Ancora nel limbo

Torno ancora sull'argomento che mi ha spinto ad aprire questo blog, il mio loop così lo definirei.
Nel week end  in più momenti ho visto la proiezione di un ipotetico futuro.
Tra venerdì e domenica la Ciopola ha avuto modo di avere contatti con dei lattanti figli di amici, quanto entusiasmo, quanti baci e carezze, quanta voglia di stringerli di fare loro delle coccole (è pur vero che avere tutti i santi giorni un piccolo in casa potrebbe ridurre, se non annullare, tanto entusiasmo, però la sua sensibilità è commovente!).
Ieri mattina la Ciopola ha preteso di fare la doccia con the Babb and he willingly accepted. The little one was excited by the news, but also a bit more cooperative than usual with some flicker of obedience to the instructions on how to keep your head eviatare the soap over his eyes. The father is provided with an activity (bathe) that normally avoids like the plague.
Continuing yesterday afternoon at the home of friends, I hold in my arm with a small disonvoltura 5mesenne and help the Ciopola down the stairs .... Maybe I should undress
of my doubts, I could make it, some positive signs recently, the Babb is giving him, it seems more cooperative ... but will it last? or at the first set I "abandon" once again to take refuge in his comfortable world?
Today is published on genitoricrescono , a post that has deeply touched my strings.
I was particularly struck two steps:
.... The truth is that the balance between the projects of two people is rare and unstable is related to contingent events in this project as it evolves, since everyone can react differently to make life .....
And so, too often, it still happens that children are the mothers, when in fact the whole social organization does not allow that anymore.
E ancora
....Ma quanti papà si defilano perchè si sentono esclusi, perchè non sono stati educati ad accudire, perchè non trovano un loro ruolo, perchè vengono troppo spesso criticati o ripresi? E quanti, che vorrebbero essere presenti, sono costretti a vedere i figli poche ore perchè il congedo per il papà è una chimera?
Un progetto familiare è fatto, prima di tutto, di tempi: il tempo in cui si decide di vivere insieme, il tempo in cui si immagina di avere dei figli, il tempo in cui li si aspetta. Poi con l’arrivo dei figli, l’elemento della vita che cambia maggiormente è lo scorrere del tempo e la sua scansione. E quando i tempi cambiano radicalmente, da un giorno all’altro, tutto può sembrare difficile. Anche una coppia che sembrava perfettamente all’unisono sui tempi della vita, può vivere momenti di crisi.....
Insomma sono sempre qui nel mio limbo di indecisione a chiedermi se mia figlia beneficierebbe davvero della presenza di un fratello/sorella o rischio di crescere una figlia unica prepotente e viziata.
E' la fiducia in me stessa che mi manca o è venuta meno la fiducia in mio marito?
I suoi recenti piccoli segni di collaborazione, potranno tradursi in un affiancamento e supporto concreto e continuo (soprattutto) in caso di un secondo figlio?
Potrei, con il mio comportamento, aver incosciamente escluso il Babbone? vedendolo incerto and little inclined to take care of Ciopola? I pushed myself or his behavior is a legacy of his upbringing?
Will I ever find an answer to my inquitudini?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Baby Etiquette Wording

A volte succede ciò che non ti aspetti

tricolor balloons
Yesterday was really a beautiful day, for many pleasant reasons.
Yesterday afternoon, the Babb and I took leave and we left the office at lunchtime. This allowed us to devote the afternoon to celebrate our Dale and with her Mardi Gras .
the nest the first pleasant surprise. I got to chat with one of the teachers, who expressed an opinion on Ciopola entirely positive, according to what he said is literally "exploded" in recent years, active, collaborative, but also a lot of fun with his talk ... " Ciopole have to like that." course this filled me with pride. So there is not only capricious and Ciopola scoundrel who are accustomed to having at home? Hence the knowledge that you catch a few 'of us, knowing that there are asylum rules definite e inviolabili per tutti, mentre a casa toccando i tasti giusti riesce anche a trasgredire e ad ottenere ciò che vuole più facilmente. Senza dubbio questo è stato uno spunto di riflessione.
Tornando al ns pomeriggio insieme, ulteriore piacevole sorpresa: era stato organizzato dall'Amministrazione Comunale un carnevale in Piazza a tema, per festeggiare l'anniversario dell'unità d'Italia. Ambientazione davvero curata, giochi di strada che si facevano a fine ottocento, personaggi in maschera che riproducevano al spedizione dei Mille, cantastorie, marionette, musica. Alla Ciopo è piaciuto tutto moltissimo, ma non ha voluto indossare il suo costumino da elefantina ed è went into crisis when a child threw the confetti that unexpectedly ended up in my mouth.
The band, cheerful and colorful
E 'followed a tense moment with Babb, who invited us to dinner (without consulting me first) two friends with their noisy and scatenatissimi babies. ( What do you want it, trust me I can do it! 'S a way to prove myself ...).
Then dinner with friends, the closest friends in a very nice Osteria I have personally chosen, environment and food taken care of, because once so we have to treat us well. Laughter, stories, rumors spread .. in short moments of pure relaxation and rejuvenating.
Back home in the Dale was still awake, but already lying in her bed, that his voice a little tenderness' sleepy as I was telling fragments of the evening ... in a few minutes luckily fell into the arms of Morpheus, squeezing hand.
The house was in disarray as I imagined, I know my chickens and I know what they are capable of lovable rogues when my trigger, instead Babb was the situation, was able to not be overwhelmed by events.
I went to bed reflecting on the fact that my presence is not always indispensabile, come i due furbetti di casa mi inducono a credere.
Senza la mamma si può ugualmente prendere il latte la sera, farsi lavare e mettere il pigiamino.
Senza Serena si può far mangiare la Ciopola, cambiarla e prepararla per la nanna....basta poco, basta la volontà nel fare le cose.
Medita Serena medita e impara.

Il volo dei palloncini

L'elefantina e l'amico Buzz
Mamma togli coriandoli!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Would A Meteorite Be Hot Once It Landed

8 Marzo

Immagine tratta liberamente dal web
Oggi è la festa della donna, una ricorrenza mai banale a mio avviso, una giornata che non può e non deve solo esaurirsi in un evento consumistico. Oggi è un giorno in cui vale la pena ricordare che abbiamo dei diritti and not only duties as women. To remember that the road to the affirmation of our. value of people has been hard and tricky. There are only women who trample on their dignity for money. There are many women who study, work (precariaramente in many cases), firmly believing in their abilities. There is also, unfortunately, a macho society, and too old to understand the added value of women.
To celebrate International Women's Day I would like to donate a grain of mimosa to each of the women who fill my life with friends away from the eyes but not from the heart, the friends who share my daily blogger, to friends that while respecting my privacy proverbial close to me know when you need it, multitasking mothers, my mother is generous, and never to my Ciopola for the woman who will be!
Gathering once again the invitation of the mammadesign list 10 reasons why it is worth being a woman:
- maternity;
- solidarity and complicity between women
- the ability to love unconditionally ;
- the desire to wear heels but also the dancers;
- the ability to think and make a cent
- readiness to solve problems;
- the successful to be happy at all;
- the sensitivity;
- the story without shame;
- dress, make-up just like the most.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Need Battery For Pursuit Remote Car Starter

10 cose irrinunciabili

I pick the invitation of mammadesign , the result of positive triggered a chain, I think unconsciously, by Roberto Saviano, which is depopulated in various blogs and here I am with my list of 10 things that is worth living :
- the Ciopola that shakes my hand to fall asleep;
- the embrace of Babb after making love;
- the chatter and laughter with friends;
- the summer morning with the swallows;
- crying, laughing and excited reading a book;
- sing out loud alone in a car
- dance, dance, dance,
- the mother's lasagna;
- the beauty of a sunset;
- travel and discover, enjoy and places new habits. Step

chain to anyone who turns a tell and tell!

Hydrogen Peroxide Burn Penis

A carnevale ogni scherzo vale

The elephant Dale
For the law of retaliation on weekends you sleep little. Ciopola The small, in fact , yesterday morning at 7.40 was already awake to claim the presence of her mother.
Despite initial indifference to his repeated calls to a certain point I go and sit next to her bed, I keep my hand as usual, hoping it goes back to sleep quickly and let me return to sleep so abruptly interrupted.
But I feel it, whispering incomprehensible sentences already seems nice little skate at some point I realized that my hand is not shaking his most ... I do not have time to talk, which she anticipates saying
- Mamma shenti ice a pede?
- But Dale, you've removed the sock and made me a joke ?
- Shii ...
- Mama, I go down ?!
- not want to sleep a little ... compassionate and plaintive insist Please Dale, mother sleep!
- NO, I go ... leaned dangerously from the couch ...
- OK, OK But before you get off giving up their socks, where? Seeking
frantically and unproductively knit, short-sighted without my glasses and eyes still clouded with sleep. At one point, looking sly says:
- 's mom! indicating the edge of the bed on which the shield has suddenly materialized ...
- Ahhhh, but then you had hidden yourself? Bad rogue
- Shi ... are giocona

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gallbladder Cancer Ribbon

Premio per me

Until some time ago I was rather suspicious about this kind of initiatives, from my infuenzata confidential and reserved, then on the sympathy of friends Bloggers I slowly changed my mind and I'm here to tell you that I have received an award :
I was really happily surprised and honored. I am therefore grateful to the heart of Michael Bastaunpocodizucchero (fantastic decorator of sweetness, her creations are true works of art!).

The award is open to blog "young people" who do some 'advertising, the "rules" that will share the prize with other friend Blogger:
- to accept the prize by writing a post;
- pass the award to other blogs of your choice (can be given three to five blogs);
- link to the post who sent it to you.

I decided to reward some blogs I discovered recently: known soooo much lately, I loved it and I was impressed the depth of his comment to my post. ; know her recently, but feel close. , the prize is a wish for this baby blog that promises to become a really successful blog!

Good day to all!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hfc Mortgage Customer Service

Una breve riflessione sul PROGETTO FAMIGLIA

I recently met a blog that I immediately loved it, for content is and how to treat them. I'm talking about genitoricrescono . A blog that I would call "instructive."
I take inspiration from the theme of the month project to tell family my personal experience with this (actually commenting on something I wrote the post in question).
One of the authors writes: Two hearts, a hut, a baby, and here the Family Project has taken shape. Well, almost. But what is the difference between a project and rickety one that works? The ingredients are many: a mom, a dad, a baby, maybe one or two works to be taken, a house to manage, the sleepless nights to be resolved, the aid that would serve the annoying interference, the delicate balances, the hormones in circle, misunderstandings ....... The project family is in my opinion a wonderful project, a project in which I strongly believe and in cui mi sento tuttora impegnata, ma senza dubbio ci sono tante variabili che possono condizionarlo fino a renderlo difficile da vivere con serenità.
Io non ho ancora trovato un vero equilibrio e quindi non posso dare grandi suggerimenti sugli elementi che possono renderlo un progetto di successo. Ci sono tanti aspetti di cui è difficile tener conto a priori, quando il progetto è solo un desiderio, tra cui le reazioni dei nonni o il ruolo del padre. Si spera di avere dei nonni collaborativi ma discreti, un padre attento e presente e invece ti trovi con gli ormoni a mille e un gran senso di solitudine.
A due anni dall’avvio del progetto di cui si parla, credo di aver trovato per esempio un mio modo to limit interference from too much love of their grandparents. In my case the grandparents' desire to be helpful, causes them to become a cumbersome presence and thus frustrate the strength of their help. By the time I learned to talk to them more directly, I recognize that sometimes they are too direct, this does not completely remove some moments of silent incomprehension or certain exercises of patience required to not blurt out instantly, but I personally found sincert in a therapeutic method to manage the relationship.
the rest must also be said that the grandparents have understood that their role is not to educate, so there are parents. Their luggage experience, but knowledge can be used to accompany a happy growing child. Unfortunately
an issue still unresolved is the parenting part of the couple. Sometimes I seem to be the only one to take the project forward. At times I think there is the necessary interchangeability.
The feeling I have sometimes is that I stuck in a lobster pot inextricable.
The dialogue can be a winning? probably yes, if combined with the desire to pursue the project. 20 Hours

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Energizer 15-minute Battery Charger, Uk


family Serena (manontroppo) gathered at the table for dinner.
TV on (I know non si dovrebbe, però così è)...
Il maritone ed io parliamo a sprazzi commentando i fatti del giorno, sempre seguendo la Ciopola che mangia, cercando di arginare la sua esuberanza, evitare che rovesci l'acqua o che improvvisamente annoiata si precipiti dalla sedia...
Ad un certo punto esclama sorridente:
- Bellucconi ...
- Che hai detto Ciopo?..
rivolta al Maritone bisbiglio sgomenta:
-  ma ha detto davvero Berlusconi ?
- Bellucconi mamma
- C 'è Bellucconi mamma
Abbiamo finto indifferenza e spento la dico io tra tutte le parole he could just pick up that had to stay ahead.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Best Waxing Ann Arbor

Dentro di me

Image taken from the web freely
There are days when I feel tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, dumb.
I would be strong, I know myself enough not to feel every time at the mercy of my insecurities of my doubts, feelings of guilt.
I would not feel down for nothing.
I would never leave and be able to melancholy di guardare avanti.
Vorrei non perdere la calma, vorrei trovare le parole giuste per spiegare.
Vorrei bastasse uno sguardo.
Vorrei  non aver pronunciato certe parole,
Vorrei saper agire, anzichè tacere.
Vorrei non amare così tanto.
Vorrei tanto trattenere queste lacrime .

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Appreciate Letters To Coaches

Certe notti.

immagine tratta liberamente dal web
Nonostante certe pubblicità vogliano farci credere che in quei giorni ci si possa paracadutare da un aereo, giocare estenuanti partite a pallavolo, saltellare leggiadre come libellule, io in certi giorni vorrei solo starmene a letto con la mia borsa dell'acqua calda, imbottita di antidolorifico per non sentire mal di testa e di pancia e dormire dormire, finchè non passa tutto.
Fermarsi non è possibile, però a fine di una giornata vorresti almeno chiudere gli occhi sul mondo e riposare in santa pace, ma tua figlia non lo sa, è piccola non può ancora capire, ma paradossalmente sembra voler infierire....
Come da routine si addormenta e tu la metti a letto, con la palpebra calante raccogli le ultime energie per riordinare un po' casa, avviare the dishwasher and then finally you jump in to bed exhausted and fall asleep with the book in hand and the light on, without being able to read even one page.
not even spend two hours at night and the silence is pierced by the cry whining: - Mammaaaaaaaaa! zealous haste to the bedside of the sweet creature, reassured her with a kiss and a caress, to put a pacifier in hand to avoid being there to hold her hand (for Ciopola the hand is the security blanket and shakes our hands for reassurance from his first day of life ).
lathes quietly to bed, thinking that sometimes it happens that the child was awake but now no more than once per night. Rinfili under the duvet and you try to sleep, but you can not have a walrus that the Russian side as a tractor and, in spite of the kicks, the concert continues. When you've just found
sleep again the cry of despair: - Mammaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!, pretend to anything, try to ignore it, but cries and screams even louder, he goes back in his room and give yourself time without to comfort you already grabbed his hand, and spring and it remains there to cuddle style homeless, faint on materssino position to help you with your feet, free arm at his bedside until ... il suo respiro si fa regolare, la presa si allenta e finalmente si torna di nuovo a letto.
Ti adagi di nuovo sperando che il peggio sia passato, continui a pogare col trattore al tuo fianco e cresce il Ciopola strilla di nuovo, fingi indifferenza, stai sognando non è lei che ti chiama, il pianto diventa insistente e via si riparte, carezze, bacini...e di nuovo a letto e poi di nuovo in piedi per 3-4 volte a intervalli regolari ad ogni 15' , finchè non ti dice:- mamma vojo i nenne ! le dici: - Va bene tesoro , ricordando che di solo il latte è un elemento pacificatore. Vuole venire in cucina con te, non fai resistenza per non wake up the whole building and picks her up, despite the myopia without glasses you start like a robot to the fridge take the milk and put it in the micro to warm up and she began her bizarre monologue: - Mother, Father domme, I vojo Dad ... Mom is beautiful coconut ( seeing the coconut yogurt in the fridge), mother the moon is not there, there Shono the Nubola, the sun is sleeping ... and you, while mature murderousness, the answer: - yes, yes everything. The
from the milk and after having drained the entire bottle looks at you with eyes and mischievous smile beneath his dummy says, mom dad luxury, I sbeglio! and you who would like to send everyone to hell, to deter and making new appeal for patience lean upon his little face, the caress, listen to your breath and you fall asleep on the couch with her prey to stomach cramps and headaches pounding ...... then they resume, are 3:30 a tractor in the background has subsided, the Ciopola appaerentemente if the sleeping bad and so bring her back in bed and calculations you are about 3 ½ hours of sleep .... exhausted, and leaned her head on the pillow again, the siren oh my God ... the strooozzo!, but this time it calms down really fast.
7.00 pm by the march of mouse wake up part, it's time to get up and think that it is not possible, maybe it's all a dream ... your husband turns to you and tells you sleepy voice: - I heard that he called me, luckily did not insist and you like the film Magda Verdone, exclaim: not take it anymore!
Then you look out the window, see the sun ... drown in a cup of coffee and I hope this helps you deal with your day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Barbie Themed Sweet 16

Assembly Members

Sunday, February 20, 2011 17:00



1) Destination funds 5x1000

2 ) Changes in statutory

3) Report on ongoing management associations

4) municipal contributions LAB.L &D;

5) Advertising Campaign 5x1000 (2011)

6) L & D Program Summer

7) Salt & Light Photobook

8) any other business.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Brazilian Waxing Seminar

Successi e Fallimenti

Image taken from the web freely
It 'frustrating to see the quilt just retired from the laundry (with discount are € 8 lady, thanks !) Struck by the copious amounts of vomit Ciopola (remember his first episode of car sickness ?).

It 's a slight feeling of satisfaction that you feel when you see that the predicted down washing machine has succeeded perfectly! ( the face of the € 8! )

E 'total source of discouragement to note that despite the general saving package Acchiappacolore , he spotted a T-shirt bought less than two months ago ( e pagata uno stonfo! ), messa a lavare con il piumino ( tanto metto il programma: lavaggio a mano !).

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Baby Has Bumps On His Feet

Dolce, amore e fantasia (tanta fantasia!)

Il Babbone come vi ho raccontato a San Valentino mi ha stupito con un regalo inaspettato e allora con un po' di ritardo ho ricambiato con una dolce sopresa.
L'idea iniziale era di fare dei biscottini, sulla scia di un'ispirazione fornitami da Chiara (nel suo angolo DIY)qualche tempo fa e munita di ricetta ho/abbiamo (ha partecipato anche la Ciopo naturalmente) preparato l'impasto.

250 gr di farina
50 gr di burro
150 gr di zucchero
2 uova
1 bustina di lievito
20 gr di noccioline tritate

In una terrina versare la farina aggiungere quindi le uova lo zucchero il lievito, il burro ammorbidito e le noccioline. Impastare il tutto e dopo aver dato ai biscottini la forma desiderata infornare a 180°  and cucere for 15/20 minutes.

The program has changed after having made some cookies, because Ciopola had taken a bit 'foot and was not content to just play with dough and molds ....

the small struggling with the dough

with a sudden flash of imagination I was able to speed up and to keep good my daughter, using the The remainder of the dough to create a giant cookie, which once led to cooking, I used as a basis on which I poi spalmato marmellata all'arancia rossa e ho posto i biscottini con il mio messaggio d'amore.
Il risultato finale è stata la tortino dell'ultima foto.

I biscottini con il messaggio d'amore
Il maxi biscotto
Et voilà: il biscottone con i biscottini

Questo post partecipa al contest di MammaPapera .

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Leather Bracelet Engraving Disney

Il frigo: lo specchio del mio essere.

Immagine tratta liberamente dal web
Qualche giorno fa, prima di andare al supermercato, ho dato un'occhiata al frigo per fare il punto della situazione prima della spesa e dato che la Ciopola era dai nonni ne ho approfittato per fare un po' di pulizia, buttando via barattoli di sugo avviati, i formaggini scaduti, ecc. Presa dall'impeto sono passata alla dispensa, facendo sparire tisane storiche, infusi mai provati e ormai stagionati.
A fronte of this effective, albeit quick work of cleaning, I came to the conclusion that the fridge is the mirror of my being . That I tend to procrastinate, to accumulate, to sloth and laziness.
In this case the direct consequence is that it has thrown away food and money (no small thing), more generally there is time-consuming and useless regrets, as well as frequent feelings of guilt for not having spent the most of their resources.
E 'stronger than me, I'm fickle, I can not plan, I digress, I get lost in my thoughts, we turn around, I work more, I do not concentrate enough, back.
After learning experience dedicated to time-Management a few months ago (I had spoken here), I was determined to change and some are managed through a project-work that I developed then, but basically the sloth in me that had the better of my good intentions.
My grandmother used to say that an apple tree there can come up with lemons, that no one can expect radical changes from the people, so I can never be too different from what they are.
But I can not go on like this, with liabilities giving my nature irrational and somewhat 'inconclusive.
Per cui dato che il project work, ha avuto effetti positivi sulla mia vita lavorativa, devo impegnarmi a far qualcosa in più per la mia vita personale, obiettivo ambizioso forse, ma di certo importante.
Ragazze non sono impazzita e non ho bevuto o fumato niente di strano, sto solo cercando di trovare un modo per organizzare meglio il mio quotidiano.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Stricture Urethra In Dogs

Che peccato...

Immagine tratta liberamente dal web
La Ciopola adora i Barbapapà ed io ne sono felice, perchè I think these cartoons give positive messages are simple, colorful and allow me to put it all back in time and just like when I was a kid the rest of stucco in front of each barbatrucco! Until some time ago
vedamo them via the web (YouTube ) then after some research, I found on Amazon the complete series on DVD and I bought the first volume ^.
Yesterday afternoon I took the order and returned home, I proposed to Ciopola, who had an enthusiastic response at all.
Unfortunately at some point the DVD began to fail and even Ciopola realized that something was wrong (at one point could only see the symbol of the beginning and end of the episode), has kept my vain attempts to resolve the situation and eventually Eslami disappointed - mom a Pippel no funciona! Libo laws? (mom does not a pipe!, I read a book?).
Needless to say, in a moment made me smile back

Before I mention Amazon for defamation, let me say that the problem was not the support, but our player and then we are happily able to see more , ns. Barbapapa beloved (on PC)!

What Does Ibd/gcm Mean


Given that:
- I do not have a green thumb;
- roses, there is evidence, do not survive in our terrace;
- are always overly polemic;
- I do not love gifts "commercial" Valentine's Day (chocolates, dolls, etc.).
- I did not expect to receive a gift;
- I have not had time to make a DIY on my mind;
- I appreciate the simplicity and spontaneity;
- like surprises;
- I like kisses on his lips;
- it's the thought what counts ;

Babb Thanks!

The Gift received from Babb

Monday, February 14, 2011

Rent Barrel Racing Bits

San Valentino

Lovers of Peynet
image is free from the web
Today is the feast of love, but have always been convinced that it does not serve to institutionalize a party and then make it an event substantially
consumer to express his feelings to himself.
Love can be shown each day, with small and large gestures, respect and understanding.
The belief that Valentine's Day is a special day of the other joins us now for many years, but we decided that this anniversary is good to remind us, as a couple, as lovers.
Over the years we have found simple ways, but always different, to do so, a cinema, a pizza with other pairs of friends, a day at the spa, etc.. and has always been special.
I think this year I will have to be content with a sleepy kiss, but sincere, I received this morning as we prepared to leave. Grandparents are
a bit 'out of order and can not keep the Ciopola, which friends had planned a dinner of fish have mostly affected children, and then it will be a normal evening, like so many others and do not depress me for this and certainly not I will feel less loved.
Greetings my love!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Leather Bracelet Engraving Disneyworld


My masterpiece
Yesterday Alessandra (aka Mother Goose ), a friend blogger has posted in my honor his recipe for pizza (there Board to take a look, because it works!)
The intent was to provide support to people like me could not in the preparation of delicious and very Italian dish. Despite
does not include the compound used by Alessandia, (I'm thrown and I think I will provide as soon as possible!), I managed to get good pizza, crispy outside and soft inside. Of course I did the happy
Babb, who has never resigned to my ummm let's call it "education gap". The small
Ciopola smangiucchiato has some pieces, but was justified by the fact that he ate pizza for lunch (my mom reminded me as he left the house, oh well!).
So I'm really proud of myself, now I was completely resigned to the fact to fail in the pizza. Thanks
Ale, I've opened a world!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ontario Dune Buggy Insurance

Di Biancaneve e altre faccende

Image taken from the web freely
19.30 hours, house bathroom. Having raised the Ciopola on a little stool that allows it to reach the sink, I'm helping to wash their hands.
Looking straight in front of the mirror he exclaimed:
- such as Mama Chama the Aegina ? (Mom, do you call the Queen);
It is obvious that we are talking about Snow White, the catchphrase of the moment.
- Dale Well I do not know, I do not remember.
- And Steg ? (e la strega)
- Vedi Ciopo la Regina e la Strega sono la stessa persona, infatti la Regina decide di trasformarsi in Strega per poi portare la mela avvelenata a Biancaneve .
Silenzio di riflessione
- Biancaneve poi bangia a mela (Biancaneve poi mangia la mela)
- Eh sì, proprio così e si addormenta .
- I nani no crede (i nani non credono...)
- Sì, i nani  non credono che sia morta
- I nani non crede, pecchè lussa (i nani non credono - che sia morta- perchè russa)
- Ciopo, Biancaneve russa ?
Sorrisetto beffardo
- Shi, lussa...
During dinner, when the fruit:
- Mama, we all look at the hair ...... Ciopola air disgusted
- Ciopola What are you talking?
- all kiwi hair ... me pase no ... (I do not like!)
- Ok, so we have finished the Kiwis ...
; ; -------------@----------------
Dopo cena...
- Ciopo devo andare in bagno, mi aspetti qui con Babbo ?
- Pecchè?
- Devo fare la cacca .
- Mamma veni ?
- Dove ?
- Bagno .
- Si ok ...
- Mamma metti qui (Mamma, mettiti qui. Indicando il water)
- Mamma...
- Che c'è Ciopo ? (il tono si fa un po' esasperato)  Perchè non vai di lò a giocare? Appena ho fatto vengo anch'io. Segue intervento del Babbone, che non riesce a convincerla ad uscire...
- Mamma, sevve quetta carta ? (mamma ti serve questa carta? riferendosi alla carta igienica...)
- No, Ciopo (sospiro, rassegnato)... non ho ancora finito...
La Ciopo mi osserva per qualche secondo in silenzio
- Mamma fatto ?
- Sì ho fatto . (col tuo pressing mi è passata la voglia di stare qui!)
- Mamma, metti qui...laba (mamma mettiti qui, indicando il bidè e lavati!)
- OK....
- Mamma, mamma...bottone ! (ehi mamma premi lo scarico!)
- Sìììììììììììì
- Hello, hello, poo (accompangnando the salute with the gesture of the hand)
- Mamma namo, Read White ....( mom go, White readme!)

Compound Interest Ordinary Annuity

Il mare è chiuso!

La ns. goal
Image taken from the web freely
Saturday, February 5 first taste of the sea in 2011.
In view of the excellent weather forecast for the weekend, had in fact agreed with two pairs of very close friends to spend a day at una vicina (70 km! circa) località marina.
L'avvio di giornata non è stato dei migliori, infatti la Ciopo dopo una nottata inquieta, costellata - ahimè- da tanti risvegli, non voleva saperne di alzarsi, per niente allettata dalla possibilità di trascorrere una giornata fuori(il mare è chiuso!). Dopo essere poi riusciti a partire praticamente puntuali abbiamo avuto un pit stop obbligato, legato al mal d'auto della piccola (la sua prima volta e che prima volta!!!) che ci ha quasi portato a desistere.
Insomma, tralasciando i dettagli più scabrosi, alla fine siamo riusciti ad arrivare al Sea (given the situation, we all served our. good will) and then the day has finally taken off, we have granted it an excellent lunch of fish, the children were good at the table and we have also left room for a talk by an adult.
In the afternoon after having "beaten" the sand and carefully tested the temperature (cold) water, we made a quick stroll in the country and then return home at sunset.
To conclude, we are persuaded to stay to dinner by one of two couples and also there abbiamo trascorso momenti davvero piacevoli.
E' stato divertente vedere i nostri piccoli interagire, giocando e bisticciando naturalmente. Avere ancora una volta conferma del caratterino della Ciopola, per niente intimorita dai bambini più grandi e come sempre focalizzata sui suoi obiettivi.
Non è stato possibile godersi un dvd come succedeva nei sabati di qualche anno fa, ma l'allegria, la vitalità dei piccoli hanno reso la serata ugualmente gradevole.
Chiudendo gli occhi sabato sera ho pensato che forse sono proprio questi " i migliori anni della ns. vita" .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bcm 400 Extension Programming

Life Day 2011

As is the custom for the past thirty-three, every first Sunday of February is celebrated the Day for Life, established in Italy in the aftermath of the legalization Voluntary interruption of pregnancy.
Salt & Light, has always been involved in raising awareness of our community cittadina verso tematiche a favore dell'accoglienza e della difesa della vita, anche quest'anno e' impegnata nella distribuzione delle Primule per la Vita organizzata per finanziare il CAV (Centro di Aiuto alla Vita) di Laterza.
La primula è uno dei primi fiori che sboccia appena il clima inizia ad intiepidirsi, anche nei paesi più freddi; proprio per questo essa è da sempre considerata il simbolo della primavera e della speranza di rinnovamento che questa stagione porta con sé.
Le primule delle vita serviranno a dare un’alternativa e una speranza in più alle donne in difficoltà per una gravidanza difficile che numerose si rivolgono ai Centri living assistance (CAV). The slogan that sums up the sense of action of CAV is: "life's difficulties are not solved by eliminating the life, but overcoming the difficulties" .
Centres support of life, 33 years after the founding of the first Centre in Florence, Italy are now 331.Si can be estimated that more than 30 years were born in Italy, thanks to the centers in support of Life, about 120,000 children and that every year about 20,000 women are assisted in many of which are housed in shelters or with families or in rented homes managed by CAV.
Center in support of life closer to our city is to Laterza that the CAV will be donated to the donations collected during the day today. You can find the
SALT & LIGHT stand at the entrance to St Nicholas Church of SS Annunziata and during the celebration of Holy Mass.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fl Gator Birthday Party Decorations

E son soddisfazioni...

image is free from the web
Today a beautiful shining sun, which warmed the air making the atmosphere almost spring.
radicatissima There is a local tradition whereby each year in the period leading up to St. Joseph and recurrence of that day (March 19) is set up a kiosk, which produces the delicious rice pancakes, in the beautiful medieval square of my city.
I'm going crazy, I love the contrast between the crisp outer crust and the filling soft soft.
And so, aided by the climate, I decided to take a luxurious lunch based pancakes (actually 8 pancakes were added to 2 tangerines), warmed by the sun.
E 'was a very pleasant time that I have enjoyed all the way, eat the pancakes warm and looking beautiful architecture, free from all worries.
Unfortunately, time has flown for a while and even though he also thought about calling the office saying that I took leave for the afternoon (sooner or later this "crazy" do it!), I have that the strategic rationality (" non lasciare a domani, quello che puoi fare oggi ") e  me ne sono mestamente tornata al pc, ma che momenti!

P.S. Dato che Micaela mi chiede la ricetta, ve la indico qui sotto, anche se personalmente non l'ho mai sperimentata (la conosco perchè fa parte della tradizione locale):

Ingredienti :
600 grammi di riso;
2 litri di acqua;
scorza di 1 arancia;
mezzo litro d’olio (per friggere);
6 cucchiai di zucchero;
Farina q.b.
In una pentola mettere l’acqua e quando bolle, gettare il riso e un pizzico di sale.
Il riso si cuoce insieme alla scorza di arancia a lungo, non deve essere al dente. Scolare e lasciar riposare in un vassoio per 12 ore. Un paio di ore prima di friggere, aggiungere all’impasto la farina in modo da ottenere un'impasto morbido ed omogeneo.
In una padella con l’olio caldo (ma non troppo, altrimenti le frittelle diventano subito marroni), gettare piccole porzioni di impasto di riso con un cucchiaio. Friggere girando con attenzione e scolare quando sono dorate.  Disporre in un foglio di carta assorbente e spolverizzare con lo zucchero.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Places To Have A Baby Shower In Chicago

Buon compleanno MAMMA!

Anche se hai lo spirito e l'aspetto di una ragazza, siamo a 65 ed io penso che sia un compleanno importante da festeggiare a dovere.
I miei più sinceri auguri mamma, perchè te li meriti tutti. Sei sempre pronta ad aiutarmi, a sostenermi a condividere il mio quotidiano.
Da quando sono diventata mamma, ho capito quanto è grande il tuo amore nei miei confronti.
Nei miei giorni difficili, sei stata la mia ombra, mi sei stata vicina come solo una mamma sa fare, dolce, ma non accondiscentente, non hai mollato mai, nonostante io fossi sul punto di farlo.
Per anni ti (vi) ho giudicato severamente, le vostre regole mi sono sempre sembrate, ingiuste e le ho combattute, avversate, ma mai aggirate.
Probably my acquiescence in part is due to your overwhelming love, your desire to protect me.
I would have liked on some occasions, you had been less than mother and friend, in fact you could put yourself in my shoes and leave even the freedom to do some silly adolescent, or more generally to make choices outside of the sense of guilt against you.
There was a long period of time when I thought you were guided only by conformity, from your cultural background, closed-minded of those who was born and raised in a small country and why I've underestimated, avoiding of relying on my confidence more intimate as the torment of a dream related to pregnancy.
However, the past no longer matters and I hope to eventually have the courage to tell you that I love so much, I try to prove it but I know that is not the same thing.
BIRTHDAY MUM, 65,000 kisses and happy birthday!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Are The Symtoms Of Chlamydia In The Mouth

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Perhaps it is all too easy today to be moved and even shed a few tears in front of the faded images, captured by American soldiers as they enter the Nazi concentration camps, to witness the tragedy that was the ' Holocaust

The invitation and hope that our association is to address this at all on this day is to make loud and true feelings of disapproval of the cattiveria umana: allontaniamo il rischio sempre incombente di contaminarli con l'ipocrisia di una vita vissuta senza il rispetto del prossimo e della sua dignità umana!

How To Get Onto Poptropica At School

Un'affare serio

There is a call that turns many blogs already and that I would continue to spread: it is the appeal launched by the blog donnepensanti .
The reasons why I feel I have to distribute are:
- are tired of living in a land of dwarfs and dancers;
- I a country where meritocracy was worth;
- I wish it to prevail the "substance" and not always just the "appearance"
- I do not like this commodification of women;
- I led administration ethics, passion and sense of duty, responsible for dealing with serious faces, linked to social, school, public health and not influenced by personal gain;
- I want a normal country.