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Fermarsi non è possibile, però a fine di una giornata vorresti almeno chiudere gli occhi sul mondo e riposare in santa pace, ma tua figlia non lo sa, è piccola non può ancora capire, ma paradossalmente sembra voler infierire....
Come da routine si addormenta e tu la metti a letto, con la palpebra calante raccogli le ultime energie per riordinare un po' casa, avviare the dishwasher and then finally you jump in to bed exhausted and fall asleep with the book in hand and the light on, without being able to read even one page.
not even spend two hours at night and the silence is pierced by the cry whining: - Mammaaaaaaaaa! zealous haste to the bedside of the sweet creature, reassured her with a kiss and a caress, to put a pacifier in hand to avoid being there to hold her hand (for Ciopola the hand is the security blanket and shakes our hands for reassurance from his first day of life ).
lathes quietly to bed, thinking that sometimes it happens that the child was awake but now no more than once per night. Rinfili under the duvet and you try to sleep, but you can not have a walrus that the Russian side as a tractor and, in spite of the kicks, the concert continues. When you've just found
sleep again the cry of despair: - Mammaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!, pretend to anything, try to ignore it, but cries and screams even louder, he goes back in his room and give yourself time without to comfort you already grabbed his hand, and spring and it remains there to cuddle style homeless, faint on materssino position to help you with your feet, free arm at his bedside until ... il suo respiro si fa regolare, la presa si allenta e finalmente si torna di nuovo a letto.
Ti adagi di nuovo sperando che il peggio sia passato, continui a pogare col trattore al tuo fianco e cresce il Ciopola strilla di nuovo, fingi indifferenza, stai sognando non è lei che ti chiama, il pianto diventa insistente e via si riparte, carezze, bacini...e di nuovo a letto e poi di nuovo in piedi per 3-4 volte a intervalli regolari ad ogni 15' , finchè non ti dice:- mamma vojo i nenne ! le dici: - Va bene tesoro , ricordando che di solo il latte è un elemento pacificatore. Vuole venire in cucina con te, non fai resistenza per non wake up the whole building and picks her up, despite the myopia without glasses you start like a robot to the fridge take the milk and put it in the micro to warm up and she began her bizarre monologue: - Mother, Father domme, I vojo Dad ... Mom is beautiful coconut ( seeing the coconut yogurt in the fridge), mother the moon is not there, there Shono the Nubola, the sun is sleeping ... and you, while mature murderousness, the answer: - yes, yes everything. The
from the milk and after having drained the entire bottle looks at you with eyes and mischievous smile beneath his dummy says, mom dad luxury, I sbeglio! and you who would like to send everyone to hell, to deter and making new appeal for patience lean upon his little face, the caress, listen to your breath and you fall asleep on the couch with her prey to stomach cramps and headaches pounding ...... then they resume, are 3:30 a tractor in the background has subsided, the Ciopola appaerentemente if the sleeping bad and so bring her back in bed and calculations you are about 3 ½ hours of sleep .... exhausted, and leaned her head on the pillow again, the siren oh my God ... the strooozzo!, but this time it calms down really fast.
7.00 pm by the march of mouse wake up part, it's time to get up and think that it is not possible, maybe it's all a dream ... your husband turns to you and tells you sleepy voice: - I heard that he called me, luckily did not insist and you like the film Magda Verdone, exclaim: not take it anymore!
Then you look out the window, see the sun ... drown in a cup of coffee and I hope this helps you deal with your day!
Then you look out the window, see the sun ... drown in a cup of coffee and I hope this helps you deal with your day!
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