Monday, February 14, 2011

Rent Barrel Racing Bits

San Valentino

Lovers of Peynet
image is free from the web
Today is the feast of love, but have always been convinced that it does not serve to institutionalize a party and then make it an event substantially
consumer to express his feelings to himself.
Love can be shown each day, with small and large gestures, respect and understanding.
The belief that Valentine's Day is a special day of the other joins us now for many years, but we decided that this anniversary is good to remind us, as a couple, as lovers.
Over the years we have found simple ways, but always different, to do so, a cinema, a pizza with other pairs of friends, a day at the spa, etc.. and has always been special.
I think this year I will have to be content with a sleepy kiss, but sincere, I received this morning as we prepared to leave. Grandparents are
a bit 'out of order and can not keep the Ciopola, which friends had planned a dinner of fish have mostly affected children, and then it will be a normal evening, like so many others and do not depress me for this and certainly not I will feel less loved.
Greetings my love!


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