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Qualche giorno fa, prima di andare al supermercato, ho dato un'occhiata al frigo per fare il punto della situazione prima della spesa e dato che la Ciopola era dai nonni ne ho approfittato per fare un po' di pulizia, buttando via barattoli di sugo avviati, i formaggini scaduti, ecc. Presa dall'impeto sono passata alla dispensa, facendo sparire tisane storiche, infusi mai provati e ormai stagionati.
A fronte of this effective, albeit quick work of cleaning, I came to the conclusion that the fridge is the mirror of my being . That I tend to procrastinate, to accumulate, to sloth and laziness.
In this case the direct consequence is that it has thrown away food and money (no small thing), more generally there is time-consuming and useless regrets, as well as frequent feelings of guilt for not having spent the most of their resources.
E 'stronger than me, I'm fickle, I can not plan, I digress, I get lost in my thoughts, we turn around, I work more, I do not concentrate enough, back.
After learning experience dedicated to time-Management a few months ago (I had spoken here), I was determined to change and some are managed through a project-work that I developed then, but basically the sloth in me that had the better of my good intentions.
My grandmother used to say that an apple tree there can come up with lemons, that no one can expect radical changes from the people, so I can never be too different from what they are.
But I can not go on like this, with liabilities giving my nature irrational and somewhat 'inconclusive.
Per cui dato che il project work, ha avuto effetti positivi sulla mia vita lavorativa, devo impegnarmi a far qualcosa in piĆ¹ per la mia vita personale, obiettivo ambizioso forse, ma di certo importante.
Ragazze non sono impazzita e non ho bevuto o fumato niente di strano, sto solo cercando di trovare un modo per organizzare meglio il mio quotidiano.
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