Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Una breve riflessione sul PROGETTO FAMIGLIA

I recently met a blog that I immediately loved it, for content is and how to treat them. I'm talking about genitoricrescono . A blog that I would call "instructive."
I take inspiration from the theme of the month project to tell family my personal experience with this (actually commenting on something I wrote the post in question).
One of the authors writes: Two hearts, a hut, a baby, and here the Family Project has taken shape. Well, almost. But what is the difference between a project and rickety one that works? The ingredients are many: a mom, a dad, a baby, maybe one or two works to be taken, a house to manage, the sleepless nights to be resolved, the aid that would serve the annoying interference, the delicate balances, the hormones in circle, misunderstandings ....... The project family is in my opinion a wonderful project, a project in which I strongly believe and in cui mi sento tuttora impegnata, ma senza dubbio ci sono tante variabili che possono condizionarlo fino a renderlo difficile da vivere con serenità.
Io non ho ancora trovato un vero equilibrio e quindi non posso dare grandi suggerimenti sugli elementi che possono renderlo un progetto di successo. Ci sono tanti aspetti di cui è difficile tener conto a priori, quando il progetto è solo un desiderio, tra cui le reazioni dei nonni o il ruolo del padre. Si spera di avere dei nonni collaborativi ma discreti, un padre attento e presente e invece ti trovi con gli ormoni a mille e un gran senso di solitudine.
A due anni dall’avvio del progetto di cui si parla, credo di aver trovato per esempio un mio modo to limit interference from too much love of their grandparents. In my case the grandparents' desire to be helpful, causes them to become a cumbersome presence and thus frustrate the strength of their help. By the time I learned to talk to them more directly, I recognize that sometimes they are too direct, this does not completely remove some moments of silent incomprehension or certain exercises of patience required to not blurt out instantly, but I personally found sincert in a therapeutic method to manage the relationship.
the rest must also be said that the grandparents have understood that their role is not to educate, so there are parents. Their luggage experience, but knowledge can be used to accompany a happy growing child. Unfortunately
an issue still unresolved is the parenting part of the couple. Sometimes I seem to be the only one to take the project forward. At times I think there is the necessary interchangeability.
The feeling I have sometimes is that I stuck in a lobster pot inextricable.
The dialogue can be a winning? probably yes, if combined with the desire to pursue the project. 20 Hours


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