Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Japanese Phrase Thanking For Invitation To Home

Reflections on modern social order

What distinguishes humans from other animals is its ability (or need) to organize themselves into social structures more or less ordered, from the tribe in the system of democracy and oligarchic city-states of the res publica, through the Empire and the feudal system, to the bourgeois-liberal democracy of today.
It 'clear that each of these individual systems have different characteristics.

The system by which primitive man had tried to organize a system based on the rhythms and the natural instincts, the support was due largely to property offered by nature and sexual activity (which, although it speaks very little, is a key parameter in the definition of a "degree" of civilization) was totally free from any kind of rules to out of instinct, every need must be satisfied, thus favoring what Freud called the "pleasure principle".

It 'obvious that such a principle can only create chaos, often the needs of one should be to counteract the other's needs, create conflict and society tend to fall apart. With the evolution of civilization, therefore, is gone by replacing the "pleasure principle" the "reality principle."
Everyone can satisfy their human needs as long as this is not to create conflicts and / or disorder in the social fabric.
The repression of certain needs result in a subsequent sublimation in other activities designed to emulate the pleasure wanted but repressed: I talk about art, politics and all that is commonly considered the "fruits of civilization."

deprivation of part of one's freedom is essential in building a functioning and orderly society, but, as noted by the philosopher Herbert Marcuse of the "Frankfurt School" never seen in history a social organization in which the restriction of individual freedom was the minimum necessary, and therefore the most practical and fair as possible.

In today's liberal-bourgeois society in fact, in addition to the "reality principle", the man should adhere to the so-called "principle of performance." The process of division of roles and the work led to the stratification of the different mentalities, which are approved inexorably to a certain system of values, both the bourgeois-minded as the main workers and peasants.

The need to feel part of a group, the need for identity insomma, ha fatto abbandonare alle persone di ogni classe il proprio (dell’individuo non della classe) pensiero naturale per supportare invece un sistema prefissato di idee: più o meno implicitamente ognuno fa ciò che la società si aspetta che debba fare. Tale sistema di omologazione ha aumentato a dismisura il suo potere con l’avvento dei mass media. Ogni tipo di comunicazione di massa, che sia manifesto pubblicitario, giornale, radio, televisione, diventa strumento di potere del sistema.

L’obiettivo è quello di creare dei falsi bisogni al fine di portare ogni persona, col suo consumo e con il suo comportamento, ad essere parte integrante del sistema, ad essere il vero “cibo” del sistema. The "principle of performance" is so artificial that pushes the push to give their best according to the capitalist-consumerist values \u200b\u200bthat promoting the use of consumer goods as a symbol of their economic status (luxury car, clothing, signed, etc.) and that makes people believe that that is the direction in which humanity has to go to get to be more free, having impressed in the minds of the masses wealth = happiness equation. However, being artificial, the follow this principle can not help but grant temporary pleasures and petty, are not elements of freedom as would have us believe, but rather they are our last and most modern condition of slavery.

This system still does not find its effectiveness as much power in perseverance. The bombing of the brain with these values \u200b\u200bbegins at birth, the child soldiers for Barbie and the child, and continues, always present as a ghost, forfeited information without realizing it, via television, from shop windows, the people who take (or climax they hitch there, the border is rather vague) as a symbol of man failed: The winning and we do get to be like him. The man now is not only alienated wage labor, but also in its fun and its daily life, is a puppet, unable to see the threads of puppeteer. 'S why we have to consider the totalitarian bourgeois democracies.

Democracy potentially offers the greatest possible number of means to free mankind and to be able to get to the highest degree of development, but while these
means there are, today's system does not allow the masses to use them.
The forces then to a fake freedom, a slavery that is so insidious, creeping
difficult to point out to those who are immersed in the system because it is difficult to identify the processes and materials and practical implications, as it gives small and very small everyday its strength. It 's a process that spares no one, not even Classes typically anti-establishment.
are now a thing of the years in which the employees were the terror of the powerful, because now even the
employees were persuaded to participate in this game.
The workers were satisfied with "the crumbs of the banquet of the masters", have approved the system.
Among the more correct way and the easiest are subtly induced to choose the easiest, go to sleep and so the revolutionary. The man is so depersonalized, reduced to "a single dimension, that of the system precisely where it is trapped.

we should not believe that this system is unbreakable. This è la situazione di una parte, seppure grande, della popolazione occidentale. Esiste una fascia di popolazione al di sotto dei potenti e della base popolare conservatrice che il sistema non è mai stato in grado di assorbire. Sto parlando di emarginati, reietti, perseguitati, disoccupati, e di tutti coloro che
non hanno perso la consapevolezza che dall’abbattimento del sistema hanno solo da guadagnare.
Magari in futuro, con il complicarsi e l'ingrandirsi delle contraddizioni intrinseche del sistema capitalistico, avremo una forte pauperizzazione del ceto medio, la crisi economica attuale potrebbe rappresentarne il preambolo.
La classe operaia omologata al sistema non potrà più trarre sostentamento the sweeteners offered by the owners, and may regain consciousness of class and revolutionary potential. Despite
if and but, avoiding hazardous weather, the system can be changed only from below, from the lowest stratum of society. The decisive step in the evolution of human society can only be done by the exploited, exploited but are aware of their condition of slavery. Perhaps

sin of pride, I conclude this little article as Marcuse concluded one of his greatest works, with a quote from Walter Benjamin: << E 'only because of the desperate hope that we are given a >>.

[Inspired by the philosophy of Herbert Marcuse]

Spartacus II

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bakelite Flatware Cleaning

Berlusconi in Albania for a political journey, or rather, business

will build a regasification terminal in southern Albania to € 1 billion and the capacity of 8 billion cubic meters of gas per year, the largest project ever built in the country by a foreign group, the Italian group opener. The agreement with the government was signed in the presence of Albanian President Sali Berisha and Italian Prime Minister provides and that the gas will be converted in part conveyed to Italy. Berisha also invited Italian companies to invest in Albania, where they will find less bureaucracy and fewer taxes than elsewhere. And in fact the relations between the two countries are intensifying, so that in Berlusconi's visit four agreements have been signed between Italian companies and the government in Tirana, that the LNG terminal, in fact, for the laying of a submarine and an electrical cable for the construction of a cement plant and a road section.

sources: http://www.larinascita.org/

Monday, December 1, 2008

How To Get To The Last Level On Funbrain

The character: Frida Kahlo

In 1910, Mexico began an armed revolt against the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz and the desire to be "children of the revolution" will lead to a Frida believe to have been born that year (instead of July 6, 1907).
Fu suo padre, un ebreo emigrato dalla Germania a 19 anni, a scegliere il nome (da Fried: pace in tedesco, che poi lei trasformerà in Frida come contestazione alla politica nazista tedesca) ad avvicinarla all’arte e a persuaderla a frequentare l’ambita scuola preparatoria nazionale.
Superato l’esame, Frida si aggregò ai “Cachuchas” un gruppo di studenti che si autodefiniva “provocatorio, antidogmatico e insolente” e nel quale si discuteva di filosofia e letteratura come di politica.
Nel 1925 l'autobus sul quale viaggiava si scontrò con un tram, il corrimano le trapassò il bacino, procurandole fratture alla spina dorsale, alle gambe e alle costole.
Costretta a trascorrere immobilized in bed a long time he began to paint on a regular basis: thanks to the tripod and the mirror, through the painting could externalize his pain.
After his convalescence, he resumed contact with Cachuchas through which he met Julio Antonio Mella, Tina Modotti and Diego Rivera (the latter two, respectively, the official photographer and founder of "El Machete" the official newspaper of the Communist Party). Frida and Diego were already unconscious
-trated in '22 when the already famous muralist had been commissioned to paint the amphitheater of his school.
Entry into contact with the political environment, he joined the Mexican Communist Party in '28, he went away più tardi quando Diego venne espulso per le sue opinioni trotzkiste e antistaliniste.
Nel ’29 i due si sposarono, la madre della sposa non digeriva Diego che a suo dire era
“vecchio, grasso e, peggio che mai, comunista e ateo”.
Arrivò la prima gravidanza, inevitabilmente interrotta a causa dei danni al bacino derivati dall’incidente, a distanza di un anno ebbe un aborto spontaneo e venne ricoverata all’Henry Ford Hospital (evento descritto nell’omonimo quadro ambientato nella Detroit industria dove Frida giace in un letto di ospedale, dalla sua mano un cordone la collega al feto ormai perso,
all’inefficiente struttura del bacino, al fiore regalatole da Diego e alla lumaca che rimanda alla lentezza dell’aborto). La coppia si trasferì a New York quando Diego ricevette l’incarico di dipingere un murale al Rockefeller Center ma presto venne licenziato per aver
messo la faccia di Lenin ad uno dei lavoratori rappresentati ed essersi rifiutato di modificarla.
Nonostante l’infedeltà di Diego fosse una costante di cui Frida era sempre stata consapevole, la storia con sua sorella Cristina fu una cosa di cui non riuscì a dimenticare, dipinse quindi il Recuerdo (trafitta da una sbarra, il cuore è ai suoi piedi e sta sanguinando mentre
l’assenza delle mani indica l’impotenza di fronte alla situazione che sta vivendo). È in questo periodo che, forse per un vendicativo bilanciamento accounts, he has relationships with companies sexually both men and women.
At the outbreak of the English Civil War Frida took part in the establishment of a solidarity committee to help the Republicans, meanwhile reports were apparently improved with Diego and was entrusted to them political asylum to Trotsky and his wife
(with whom there are rumors of a relationship a few months).
The surrealist poet André Breton came to Mexico to meet Trotsky, was conquered by his work so much that organize exhibitions in New York and Paris, where he received acclaim from artists such as Picasso, Duchamp, Kandinsky and Miro. As his artistic reputation grew physical condition left her no respite much to her painting La columna rota (in a desolate, arid landscape, many nails to retract the tip of which the largest on the heart, vivisection his body to show an allegorical column full of cracks).
Relations with Diego continued to worsen until 6 November '39 when they divorced, Frida cut his hair and clothes abandoned Mexican: This was the other Las dos Fridas (
eyes turned to the public, the Frida "without Diego "in a white dress holding the hand stained European
to Frida" sick of Diego "dressed as a Mexican and holding a medallion with the beloved, the two
hearts are connected by an umbilical-vein blocked by a clamp hemostasis that prevents fatal bleeding
of Frida "strong" after a stormy sky heralds bad news) but the
separation did not last long, 8 December 1940 he remarried. In 1946 he was made to co-
column, now Sin esperanza (the work where, lying on a hospital bed, she is forced from one machine to ingest food nauseating) began to use drugs and had to resort to amputation of a leg.
In '53 she was finally dedicated an exhibition in Mexico, to which even the severe physical condition prevented her from participating in his bed, he sailed to the museum by ambulance.
In recent days the need for spread political cause became urgent: it was increasingly convinced that El
Marxism will salud a los Sick as he painted (the American eagle holding in its talons a threat bomb while the dove of peace flies to the "red" areas and hands symbol Marxism has the eye of wisdom and hold free from the need of the prints had a self portrait with Stalin and a few days before his death he participated in a demonstration against the fall of the democratic government of Guatemala, provoked by the U.S. CIA, despite being forced in a wheelchair and pneumonia.
The Frida died July 13, 1954, the diagnosis was pulmonary embolism, the body was cremated in the coffin and wrapped Diego a flag of the Communist Party. One year after his death, Rivera
the Mexican government sold the house to turn it into a museum.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Imagine - Tattoo On Wrist

From Robespierre today.

During the French Revolution, the Constituent Assembly was discussed at length by the fate reserved to King Louis XVI. The Revolution had established certain principles which will then be taken up by the European democracies (liberty, equality and brotherhood), and some members of the king wanted to try following these principles. But on December 3, 1972 spoke
Robespierre: Although the first time he had lashed out the death penalty, he took a position in favor of the death sentence of Louis XVI. His reasoning was divided into thin 2 basic points:

1) the Revolution has triumphed with the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity, but the king belongs to the counter, that is, those who have fought against the triumph of these principles . So the counter should not be prosecuted on the basis of the principle
fundamental freedoms, because that would make them feel protected by the freedom itself, even if the fight as part of the counter;

2) Robespierre also submits that it is possible to process the king, as a process should take Also the possibility that the king is innocent, and then blame the Revolution ("Louis is not an accused, you are not the judges [referring to the deputies of the editor's note"]; you are and can not be anything but men of state, representatives of the nation.
do not have to make an award for or against or a man, you have to take a public health measure ").
But since the Revolution can not be guilty as a statement of the people, the king is guilty. The triumph Revolution is the condemnation of the king and must be executed, but the concept of freedom of the Revolution of '89 is still a bourgeois conception.

must therefore be contextualized. At same time re-reading the words of Robespierre addressed the Assembly, I could not help but think of the constitutional principles and the Mancino Law (which prohibits the apology of fascism).
fact that the Constitution is only pressed her freedom above all those liberal (although they are also in social ones) every single statement that goes against the freedoms in the name of them (like the simple phrase contradictory "I am free to declare fascist") is unconstitutional.
The Constitution was born in a specific historical moment in the fight against fascism was a prerequisite for any further
quired freedom. However, the Constituent Assembly promoted a concept of freedom
estremamente ampio che con alcuni ovvii limiti permette a tutti di dire qualsiasi cosa, anche di essere fascista.
Altri stati (per esempio la Germania) hanno deciso diversamente ritenendo di primaria importanza tagliare la strada ad ogni possibile rigurgito di simili ideologie.

A mio avviso sarebbe necessario riconsiderare l'importanza di tutelare lo stato italiano da un ritorno dell'ideologia fascista infatti sono molto preoccupanti le dichiarazioni di numerosi esponenti di Azione Giovani (come "non saremo mai antifascisti", doppia negazione, ergo...), ma anche paradossali e contraddittorie (Giorgia Meloni, di AG, tra l’altro ricopre una carica ministeriale grazie proprio alla Costituzione ed agli antifascisti che l'hanno scritta). We must begin to stand in any possible return to fascism.
The opposition must start from here, from taking part that is written in the Constitution and replaced the Duce, who commanded all (in fact a motto for decades and "due obedience to fight", not "think, participate, act").
I think you also need to take more rigorous measures, as did Germany cited above, I hope the intervention of criminal law.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

How Clean Plastic Comb

South America today

Conservatives, who believe that the current system of wealth production ( that today creates inequality of men) is a fact that can not be changed, they should look at what is happening today in Latin America. The idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism, the specter that they believe they have exorcised, is the cornerstone of the actions and hopes of an entire continent. There is not only Cuba resisting, (despite some difficulty) and is undergoing a change from a few months old at the summit, which many did not believe possible without cancel the revolutionary gains. Even in most other South American countries, revolutionary processes are in place, despite the diversity of experiences. It is not my intention to provide the reader or the reader a complete picture: I will confine myself to a short exposure of certain facts without any claim to fully describe a process that would require more space than they can grant me your patience.
start with a brief overview on their own with the advent of the Cuban revolution, the country, which was one of the poorest former colonies, has reached levels hitherto unknown in Latin America. Illiteracy has virtually disappeared, the health care system has become a model for the entire third world, the standard of living of the inhabitants (ie of all and not just a privileged elite) is greatly improved. This has (essentially) not only survived the "crash muro” ma a quaranta anni di blocco economico, di continui tentativi di golpe, di sabotaggi, e anche di terrorismo - poiché sono state fatte azioni anche di questo tipo - da parte degli Usa. Questo prova inconfutabilmente che il sostegno popolare non è mai venuto meno al governo cubano.
L'esempio cubano ha ispirato direttamente, ed ha sostenuto fattivamente, ad esempio con l'invio di personale sanitario, l'azione politica del presidente Chávez, uomo che parla apertamente di socialismo. Costui, attraverso la nazionalizzazione delle grandi aziende, inizialmente quelle del settore petrolifero, (nazionalizzazione che è stata estesa da parte degli stessi lavoratori, i quali in più di un caso hanno occupato ed autogestito fino expropriation of the factories in crisis) could achieve significant results in the modernization of the country, investing money in public health, education, improvement of living conditions of the masses. Now it's imminent nationalization of the Bank of Venezuela, which will allow further progress. Chávez himself has stated that "The profits will not go to private groups, but will be invested in social development. Socialism is stronger with each passing day. " Again the capitalists pushed their chief representative, ie Bush, to do everything possible to bury the story. Thus we have seen support for an attempted coup, and many of the opponents politici del presidente. Non nego che ci siano stati errori, imprecisioni, azioni "alla meno peggio" etc., ma.....Come esempio di disinformazione sul tema, porterò le voci che periodicamente affermano l'assenza della libertà di parola in Venezuela. Vi citerò un brano tratto dall'articolo di A. Villari, pubblicato sul sito www.giùlemanidalvenezuela.net :"secondo i dati dell’Osservatorio Internazionale sui Media, la gran parte dell’informazione in Venezuela, non soltanto è privata, ma è anche apertamente schierata con l’opposizione al Governo di Chavez: è un curioso paradosso della democrazia, che in un Paese in cui il Governo dispone di un sostegno popolare di quasi due terzi della popolazione (stando the last presidential elections), three-quarters of the media will not do anything but attack. In 2002, the Centre for Human Rights explicitly states that "far from providing a honest and truthful, the media largely seek to provoke popular discontent to support the extremist wing of the opposition." Nevertheless, this is the democracy of the Bolivarian government, that no station has been closed, and before the expiry of the license to RCTV (closed private broadcaster NDR) is withdrawn the use of frequencies. One wonders if any other "democratic" countries, if a television channel had openly supported the overthrow of the government, would continue to broadcast even after the failure of the coup, and if its owner should be free of criminal justice. "
Even Bolivia, the Morales government, even though similar attacks, is nationalizing the immense natural wealth the country as well, for example, the majority of the shares of telecommunications. "Interest strong" who tried to prevent a radicalization of the situation through the secessionist forces, were recently defeated by a referendum.
Both Ecuador, Correa, that Nicaragua, with Ortega elected governments as "very progressive." One could also mention the case of Uruguay .... Although it was disappointing the hopes initial well the government of Lula in Brazil remains in many respects a positive example. The same applies, although to a lesser extent, Chile for the great economic crisis of 2001 brought the masses of Argentina (among others) to occupy and to self-manage many factories, experiment with its limitations, lasts all ' hour and shows the potential of the working class. In conclusion, "the sun of" is strongly felt, even today in 2008.

Gianluca Angels

Sibutraminain English


Today the new resistance ... this is what is the appeal to young people to defend these positions we have achieved, to defend the Republic and Democracy. And that is today
it takes two qualities in my opinion, dear friend, honesty and courage ... the honesty ... honesty ... honesty ...

Spring 2008: Arrived at elections of the Italian people rely on emergency government in the hands Silvio Berlusconi, head of the political right with the PDL (Party for Freedom). But come summer, one of the highlights of the new action becomes the "Lodo Alfano", ie the suspension of all ongoing trials for the four highest offices of state. But why all this haste in resolving the legal proceedings of the Prime Minister?
Throughout his entrepreneurial career went against allegations resulted in processes, most of them end for acquittal, amnesty or covered by prescription: Lies on the P2 lodge - The Court of Appeal of Venice, in 1990, says Berlusconi guilty of perjury before the Court of Verona about its inclusion of P2 (Pass No. 1816), but the offense is covered by the amnesty of 1989. Bribes
the Guardia di Finanza - was sentenced to 32 months for all four alleged bribes. The Court of Appeal: requirement for three of the bribes, because of extenuating circumstances that were not there before, acquittal doubtful: "The Judgement of guilt is based on multiple circumstantial evidence, certain, unambiguous, precise and consistent, for what with considerable persuasive force, such as to take probative value. "Supreme Court: acquittal. The reason for the acquittal of the fourth tangent is the lack of evidence.
All Iberian 1 - Here it is illegal financing of political parties that there was a payment from Fininvest SpA, the account in the name All Iberian, Northern Holding to account for Craxi. The offense lapse, none of the defendants is considered extraneous to the facts. The Supreme Court confirmed the requirement condemning the president and owner of Fininvest to pay the costs.
All Iberian 2 - Tried to falso in bilancio. Il processo è sospeso in attesa che nuove norme approvate dal governo Berlusconi sui reati societari, si pronuncino alla Corte di giustizia Europea e alla Corte Costituzionale Italiana.
Medusa Cinema - Versamento di fondi a nero da parte del suo collaboratore Bernasconi Carlo a Silvio Berlusconi Scrivono i giudici: "La molteplicità dei libretti riconducibili alla famiglia Berlusconi e le notorie rilevanti dimensioni del patrimonio di Berlusconi postulano l'impossibilità di conoscenza sia dell'incremento sia soprattutto dell'origine dello stesso". Corte d’appello promuove l’assoluzione con formula dubitativa. Cassazione: sentenza d'appello confermata.
Terreni di Macherio - Reati di appropriazione embezzlement, tax fraud and false accounting, payment of 4.4 billion lire to the former owner of the land surrounding the villa Macherio. Acquittal for the first two charges and the first false accounting, the second is covered by amnesty. Lentini
Case - Payment of money in the black for the purchase of Torino Calcio players Luigi Lentini. Crime prescribed under the new rules governing the proceedings on the false accounting (rules made by him).
Mafia - Investigations stored in Palermo at the request of Attorney for expiration of the maximum extent permitted to investigate.
bombs in 1992 and 1993 - Investigations by the prosecution to Florence and Caltanissetta on the alleged "instigators masked" the massacres of 1992 (Falcone e Borsellino) and 1993 (Milan, Florence and Rome) were dropped on account of delay of investigation. In Florence, 14 November 1998, the investigating judge, however, noted Joseph Soresina like Berlusconi and Dell'Utri have "engaged in not merely episodic with which criminal elements and report the program stragista realized" that is, with the Corleone clan who for twenty years Cosa Nostra guide with hundreds of murders and half a dozen murders. Adds the Florentine court that there is "an objective convergence of political interests of the Cosa Nostra qualified than some of the new training program guidelines [Forza Italy]: Article 41 bis, collaborators of justice legislation, recovery of the guarantor of the case overlooked by the law in early 1990. "He adds that, during the investigation, even" the initial hypothesis [of involvement in massacres of Berlusconi and dell'Utri] has maintained and, if anything, increased its plausibility " . But unfortunately the deadline has passed up the preliminary investigation before you can gather further information. The other crimes for which Berlusconi was accused, that we just mention briefly, we give a nearly complete with its past. Consolidated group Fininvest, Lodo Mondadori, Sme-Ariosto, TV rights, Telecinco.
With the ready (and arrogant) solution known as "Lodo Alfano" or decree block-processes, Berlusconi and his government have shown us their desire to dissolve the past, certainly not clear of the Prime Minister. This is demonstrated by the recent doubts raised by the Constitutional Court on the legality of the decree as "seems" to go against the precise contents of the fundamental principles of the Constitution:
Art.3: "All citizens have equal 'social status and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal or social conditions .[...]"
What we want to emphasize is that it is above all morally inconceivable such a thing, there are too many coincidences in the facts di ieri e soprattutto in quelli di oggi che ci conducono alla consapevolezza di avere affidato l’Italia a delle persone forse inadatte a tale compito. Ci rendiamo altrettanto consapevoli della possibilità di riscontrare casi del genere in tutte le fazioni che costituiscono l'attuale parlamento. Questo provvedimento, palesemente pretestuoso è stato giustificato dalla volontà di far procedere il Governo in maniera lineare e continua, secondo loro i processi rallentano e disturbano l’operato delle quattro maggiori cariche impedendo la serenità necessaria per operare. Lasciamo a voi il giudizio, ci chiediamo se in un Paese che si dichiara democratico sia possibile e giusto tale provvedimento.

…E quindi l’appello I am doing to young people is this: to try to be honest, first of all, the policy needs to be done with clean hands! There can be ... if there is any scandal ... if ... if there is someone that scandal ... if there is any politician who takes advantage of the policy to do their dirty interests must be reported without fear! "Sandro Pertini
(1896 - 1990)

Chip & Dale

Pokemon Gsc Differences


is exploding a new '68 ..
not exaggerate, however, we have witnessed an explosion of student demonstrations, workers and society as a whole.
But let's start from the crisis economica: tutti i mercati sono ormai sconvolti da questa che è stata definita la più grave dopo quella del '29.
Il governo americano per affrontare questa crisi ha tentato, contrariamente alla sua ideologia, di nazionalizzare gli istituti di credito più importanti. Tutto ciò è stato fatto per salvare il modello capitalista facendo ricadere il peso delle perdite dei grandi capitalisti su tutta la società. Anche in Europa rischiamo di vedere scene simili. Ma è già in atto la risposta delle classi disagiate. Gli studenti si stanno rendendo protagonisti di un'eccitante stagione di rivolta.
La CGIL, o almeno la sua base, sta ritrovando la strada della conflittualità. E tutti insieme abbiamo dato vita ad una storica manifestazione on October 11 ...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Salon Interview Thank Yous

On the recent protests in the university center for social sciences in Florence in November '08

Based on the Special Issue on School

note with satisfaction that most of the civil society is mobilizing against the recent measures taken by the Government on school and universities.

Faced with a situation that, however serious, is just the expected conclusion of a process that began almost twenty years, students, faculty, administrative staff and also parents are working but most of all cooperating between them in organizing the protest.

Nella realtà in cui mi trovo personalmente, ovvero l’università, la reazione non è meno decisa rispetto agli istituti superiori. Il polo delle scienze sociali di Novoli (Firenze) si è trovato forse un po’ in ritardo rispetto ad altri poli universitari della medesima città nell’affrontare una discussione aperta nella quale prendere una decisione su come organizzare la protesta, ad ogni modo il 14 ottobre è stata convocata un’assemblea di polo comprendente perciò le tre facoltà che ne fanno parte: scienze politiche, economia, giurisprudenza.

La partecipazione è stata molto più ampia del previsto, al punto che l’assemblea si è dovuta trasferire, per ragioni di spazio, nell’aula magna e nell’aula conferenze collegate tra loro tramite audio e video.

Democraticamente è stato scelto di rinviare la decisione se occupare o no a dopo il consiglio di facoltà di scienze politiche che si sarebbe tenuto a breve, l’assemblea si è dunque aggiornata al giorno del consiglio in forma di presidio di fronte all’edificio dove esso si teneva.

Dopo un momento di tensione causato da alcuni studenti hanno incitato ad occupare subito un edificio senza aspettare l’esito del consiglio, vanificando dunque il motivo stesso del presidio l’assemblea, essa si è trasferita ed è stata comunque fatta una votazione da cui è emersa la volontà to take the path of employment even if only for a building, the D5.

still necessary to give importance to the results to be obtained, however, respect and a kind of democratic centralism without diluting the protest or make a few deep division over which the pro-government forces easily speculate, therefore, the Assembly expressed the hope that even those who did not support employment as a way to participate in anyway they could. About

made opposition to the protest, in this case brought by "students for freedom," I believe that democratic space has been given to their arguments as challenging and devoid of real content, again in line with the trivialization and a so-called "slogan" popular forces that support the government. Let

bitter but unfortunately not surprising that now more press and media have given little information and this, for the most part, has been characterized by an alleged lack of democracy in talking to those who did not agree and decisions .

The building occupied a number of initiatives have been promoted to information and do not: in the park near the pole was organized a "social snacks" in which students entertained the children and inform parents, in collaboration with some professors have been promoted alternatives to regular lectures on the reform of information and awareness on current issues, very comprehensive and participatory was the lesson of Marzuolo prof (professor of administrative law), which has exposed a technical but not Decree 133 of the tank by providing clarity and dispelling stereotypes and labeling of all kinds, and finally very interesting was the seminar held by young activist Malalai Joya Afghan Karzai government recently ousted from his position for democratic and feminists.

Students occupants were then divided into working groups giving themselves different tasks as in-depth study of the reform and drafting alternative proposals, relazioni con le altre facoltà.

Al contrario dell’idea generale che si ha dell’occupazione, questa non si è chiusa in se stessa, essa partecipa e collabora alle manifestazioni generali studentesche come ad esempio quella imponente di Firenze del 21 ottobre.

La risposta degli studenti e dei cittadini alle iniziative è stata piuttosto vasta e attiva, va inoltre ricordato che la proposta e la programmazione di queste avviene in discussioni e successive votazioni democratiche che si svolgono in assemblee giornaliere aperte a tutti.

La successiva assemblea di giurisprudenza ha frenato qualsiasi proposito di estendere l’occupazione ad altri edifici, da essa sono emerse forme più “soft” di mostrare il dissenso e cercando soprattutto l’appoggio dei professori, anche se va detto che la partecipazione è stata anche qui degna di nota e che molti studenti già dalla assemblea generale del 14 collaborano attivamente all’occupazione.

Va dunque sottolineato come anche in questa ristretta realtà, ma come in generale nelle organizzazioni studentesche ad ogni livello, quella contagiosa voglia di “prendere coscienza” della situazione e del bene comune, quella voglia di informarsi e di agire, quel clima che sa un po’ di ’68 non possono che essere positivi in un paese dove da troppo tempo regnano il passivismo e l’indifferenza.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

2nd Birthday Invitation Poems

awkward No. 4

The information is very uncomfortable

is exploding a new '68 .. not exaggerate, however, we have witnessed an explosion of student protests, of workers and society as a whole. But let's start from the economic crisis: all markets are now shocked by that has been called the most serious since that of '29. The U.S. government has attempted to address this crisis, contrary to its ideology, to nationalize the banks the most important. Everything has been done to save the capitalist model fall by the weight loss of the big capitalists on the whole society. Even in Europe could see similar scenes. But the answer is already in place disadvantaged classes. Students are becoming players in an exciting season revolt. The CGIL, or at least its base, is finding the path of conflict. And together we have created a historic event on 11th October ...


- Malitalia

- South America today

- All the streets on October 11

- Reflections on the social modern

- From Robespierre to the days our

- The character Frida Kahlo

Download 4 ° Number

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blueprints On A Fishing Boat?

Approved Gelmini decree: The Fight Starts Now

Approval of Dl Gelmini today the Senate will not stop our struggle, and many who are still determined. There is debate in the Committee on Culture and Education of the Chamber of Deputies a draft law presented by the President Aprea, who definitely wants to destroy what remains of the public in the Italian education system. Students protesting with us, we ask you to continue to fight, to resist and to be vigilant. The many fascists who are trying to infiltrate the rallies (most recently in the Senate today), with the police to leave (which has received orders over?) Show that there is a government's attempt to criminalize the movement. And who knows that criminalization does not pass some fascistello also pushing to enter to cause trouble.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cesearian Section With Anemia

The character: Gianfranco Fini

Gianfranco Fini was born in Bologna in 1952. The name is chosen Gianfranco to remember a cousin killed by partisans. Nonostate the father is Communist, is approaching the Movement Italian Social at a young age, where career and will become the secretary of the Youth Front, having been chosen directly by Almirante ( yeah, what he wrote on a poster of CSR "all those who do not will be presented will be considered outlaws and passed for weapons by shooting in the back", at which they want to dedicate a street ...). Dead Almirante, and forget the exaggerated praise of fascism, soon became the secretary of the MSI, which leads to the so-called Turn of Fiuggi, where the party will change its name in the anti-fascist National Alliance and embrace (although in the same year states: "The captain was an example of love for their land and their people, it will one day Italy rehabilitate and with Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi, he too will be entitled squares and monuments "). Hence its political history will bind to that of Berlusconi (and to a lesser extent that of Bossi and Casini). Join the governments Berlusconi II and III, but not without friction with the secession of Bossi, but during the recent two years of the Prodi government begins to break with Berlusconi's no longer a young age despite the facelift, which proposes to boost its image linked inevitable nuovismo (illness policy today) to establish a new party: the statements begin heavy ("In the end I am sure that Mr. Berlusconi be able to reason with him. Why is a man with a very rigid set of values \u200b\u200band first c 'is self-interest. So just threaten to hit him on the reform of the TV show "Francis said in Bei, Fini's anger" Pierced by the Knight, "the Republic, November 16, 2007, and then:" To behave in the way it is by Mr Berlusconi has nothing to do with the theater of politics is to be the final comic. From these words, deliberately very clear, I want to make clear to all that, at least for what concerns the president An, there is no possibility that An melts and flows into the new party of Berlusconi's speech to the assembly as an NA meeting in Rome Ergife, December 9, 2007, and again: "The Knight has done everything himself. He set up the circles of freedom to the Brambilla. Then he created the Freedom Party without even warn his friends of Forza Italy, and then destroyed the CDL. Conclusion of the games, written rules (in the drafting of which we were not invited to participate) we should knock on his door, hat in hand and ashes on his head? We are not petitioners .[...] I am the chairman of An, not a sheep "). Fini, Prodi's government fell after the withdrawal of confidence from Mastella discovers his love for the sheep and decides to agree with Berlusconi, completely forgetting what a few months earlier he had said, most likely in search of the place by Berlusconi's successor (as the "best" Italian political tradition teaches), and forms with Knight a new political entity (the "People of Liberty") planning the Congress of AN, which should establish its dissolution in the new political entity (unless you change your mind again ... this is yet to be seen). Won the elections on April 13 and 14 becomes Speaker of the House and only a day after his office he said (referring to both expression of the social centers in Turin against Israel's policies, both murder of Nicholas Tommasoli, some beaten to death by skinheads) that the episode of Turin is much more serious because it "is not the first time that the radical left fringe give rise to actions against Israel seeking to justify a policy anti-Zionist, "as if a demonstration against the policies of a state (or rather, in support of another state, that of the Palestinians) is less serious than a boy killed by blows from a group of skinheads. I only hope that you change your mind Fini on this point.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Deleting Logins From Mac Facebook

The unit of resistance: the communist standpoint

forces available to the Resistance
were certainly not homogeneous politically.
A good part of the political spectrum
the time was, albeit in different proportions,
its representation. We went to some areas of
monarchists (especially after September 8)
going from liberal Democrats
bodies from the bourgeoisie, to the socialists, communists and even the anarchists
fairly schematic, I could, without any pretension to be exhaustive
remember how, in addition to those who came to the Resistance

following a precise route
ideological militancy in political parties outlawed by fascism, it could
find many young people for whom the choice
derived from their personal experiences, and marked its maturity
interior. This makes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe variety of
human composition of the partisans,
though certainly runs the risk typical of all the
schematization, ie to generalize
abstract phenomena far more complex.
Upon return from exile of Togliatti,
March 1944, the Communists cooperating with
other resistance forces, but only, so to say
, immediately. The prospect of socialist revolution
, felt like the next coming
led to consider other anti-fascist forces
un po' come il nemico di domani, dal
quale si pensava occorresse mantenere le distanze.
In ogni caso, il settarismo di Bordiga aveva
lasciato il segno, portando il partito a considerare
con sospetto ogni organismo esterno.
Qui occorre una digressione cronologica; su come
il PCI si sia rapportato alle altre forze antifasciste,
dall'avvento al potere del fascismo, fino a
quella che passerà alla storia come "la svolta di
Salerno". Per ridurre ( e condurre) il discorso
ad un esempio estremo, ricorderò lo scetticismo
(per non dir peggio)del partito di fronte al
fenomeno (schiettamente popolare) dei cosiddetti
"Arditi del Popolo"la cui composizione politica,
(socialisti, comunisti, anarchici) era comunque
più omogenea di quella che avrebbe
preso le armi contro il fascismo in seguito. Ma
nel frattempo, tra le altre cose, c'era stata la lezione
della guerra civile spagnola, essenziale nella
formazione di Togliatti, che aveva, a prescindere
dagli esiti, e dalle problematiche irrisolte
che poneva, mostrato l' imprescindibilità della
collaborazione antifascista di forze politiche eterogenee.
Dal punto di vista ideologico, il terreno
era stato preparato sia dal lavoro di Gramsci,
(necessità di una battaglia di egemonia all'interno
della società civile) sia dalle conclusioni
the Seventh Congress of the Communist International
1935, where she had been ideologically
analyzed the need for anti-fascist popular fronts including
also democraticoborghesi forces.
The most "formal" in a
was the entry of Togliatti in the Badoglio government.
Togliatti insisted to ensure that the front of national unity
were maintained for as long as possible
even in the post-Liberation (and then the inevitable clash
were maintained in binary
constitutional standards) thereby avoiding a repeat of the
situation in Greece, where, after the liberation
, differences between anti-fascists sfociarono
in scontro aperto. Con i risultati che
sappiamo.Ancora oggi, l'ANPI cerca di portare
avanti gli ideali dell'antifascismo nello spirito unitario
di “fronte popolare” che caratterizzò la

Gianluca Angeli

N.b. Rimando, per approfondimenti, il lettore o
la lettrice ai primi capitoli dell'opera: “Storia
d'Italia dal dopoguerra ad oggi” di P.Ginsburg.

Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis

resistance and anti-fascism

Conosciamo davvero il passato che ci ha preceduti?
Siamo veramente in grado di poter spiegare
l’essenza che sta alla base di semplici parole
come “Resistenza”, “Partigiano”,

Like most of you I was sure of my knowledge on this topic, but I was wrong.
After careful research, motivated by the desire to understand what really has happened in the past, I stumbled on an aspect of "resistance" that impressed me very much, we can define it more generally as a handful of men who have had the objective the liberation of our country from a dictatorial regime, but the true meaning of this word is quite different.
think it through great men are so different politically (anarchists, communists, socialists, shareholders, liberal, Catholic), which are riusciti a formare un gruppo di persone che hanno avuto come unico scopo la liberazione della patria da un regime fascista che è stato totalitario e subdolo.
Questa gente si è buttata alle spalle la loro diversità e rivalità, e sono riusciti nel loro obbiettivo
senza quella confusione generale che oggi vediamo ogni giorno nella nostra politica.
Mi chiedo perché non si possa trasferire la forza e la volontà degli uomini del nostro passato
adesso. Vedo sfaldamenti di partiti, pregiudizi e brutali mosse politiche finalizzate alla tutela
della propria persona invece che eseguite per il benessere di un’intera nazione.
Come siamo riusciti ad arrivare a questo punto?
Davvero il “Passato” non ha insegnato nulla?
Forse sta accadendo tutto ciò perché per qualche motivo non siamo riusciti a tramandare a
fondo il vero significato e lo sforzo della Resistenza partigiana.
Potremmo imputare la causa anche agli avvenimenti
che sono successi nel dopoguerra: c’è stato un degenero totale in quanto ogni fazione
politica, che aveva partecipato al movimento antifascista, ha preteso una grande fetta di importanza in campo politico, permettendo così che il “vero” pensiero partigiano si frantumasse.
Siamo arrivati a un punto dove si vede veramente questa rottura politica. A mio avviso sarebbe necessario che le forze democratiche ritrovassero la loro vocazione antifascista nell’agire quotidiano, invece di dare più importanza a cose paragonabilmente inferiori.
Riflettendo non siamo riusciti ad avere rispetto per lo sforzo enorme
che hanno fatto i nostri compagni caduti per portare un poco di libertà nel nostro paese.
Bisogna tramandare il giusto valore della libertà e cercare, al meglio di noi stessi, di trasformarlo
in realtà sociale senza la presenza di false maschere e con la stessa determinazione dei nostri
partigiani nell’aiutare la nostra nazione.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Card Games Using 2 Decks

ad personam laws

is now known that in the legislation passed, but also in the present one, have been proposed and adopted measures of the law or it acts in the same status as contested as they seem to have been issued with the specific purpose to favor certain people ( in most cases the same Silvio Berlusconi). Some examples can give a better idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is said: the decriminalization of false accounting, the Act requests, the reduction of the limitation period. These measures are sometimes all it takes to give us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow almost personalistic of how power is managed, not subterfuge for which there is no need to enter into the labyrinth of the measures, amendments, etc.. to trace: for better or worse the people are aware of it, although thanks to some more information that individual journalists do more pubblica.Tuttavia technical analysis of these measures I would try to focus on how they have been accepted by the electorate. It will be for my naivete, but when I heard on the grapevine that some justify the effectiveness of these laws, I thought it was a lack of information about it, but I noticed that often it is not so: people know what are the effects of laws blocking processes, the reduction requirements and so on. and get a head of government to justify that made her "interest" in the role in which trova.Tutto what is the symbol of the degeneration of "policy": the common man has a more generalized conception "private law" of policy in the sense that the voter supports, justifies and vote for the one who makes his own economic interest. It's not all: most recently, the common man has come to justify the policy only do all their interest and not that of a community and that is why we think that Berlusconi is entitled to protect themselves by using the place holds. We arrived at what I can not help but define as a "selfless selfishness" as it may seem paradoxical private conception of the roots in the economic, political and social, is leading the population to close, making only his own interest, support more conservative positions, such entrenched in the need for security that justifies all to think so. Surely even the left has its faults, returning to the example that I made at the beginning, it is known that the opposition has never managed, even when they went on to govern, to put a stop to this degeneration, is the emblematic If the measure on conflict of interest that has not yet been issued, but not all: sometimes some leftists have collaborated in proposing similar legal obscenity. We can not help but face the reality, since behind all this, again inevitably lost touch with the masses, is certainly possible that a law that would stop the proliferation of these acts in personam was and it is still necessary. To make it the same people to show their dissent is necessary to go to the root of the problem, solve the issues related to work, to give concrete answers to those who need that part politica li rappresenti concretamente.

Così facendo si potrebbe ricreare quella base sociale militante che, quando c’è bisogno di lottare (e di ricordare che in un paese democratico non è accettabile che un capo di governo con atti di diritto pubblico, risolva questioni private) ti segua in massa e, allora qualcosa potrebbe cambiare.


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In questo numero vi voglio parlare di un organizzazione clandestina di cui molti non conoscono l'esistenza , il suo nome è Gladio.

Essa è stata attiva praticamente in tutti i paesi dell'Europa occidentale ma lo è stata ancor di più nel nostro paese.

Con la fine della seconda guerra mondiale e l'inizio della guerra fredda gli Stati Uniti temevano che l'Unione Sovietica potesse esportare il suo modello di stato nel resto d'Europa, così fù creata Gladio.

Tale organizzazione non si limitava solamente allo spionaggio, ma avrebbe compiuto anche attentati e simili operazioni rivendicate sotto falsa bandiera per fomentare divisioni politiche e attacchi terroristici.

Personaggi chiave nell'organizzazione furono Gehlen Org un'ex criminale nazista (e di tali individui la Gladio era piena) e Allen Dulles fondatore della Cia che avrebbe finanziato l'organizzazione.

Nel nostro paese Gladio arriva nel 1956 grazie ad un intesa fra i servizi segreti italiani e statunitensi , compito dell'organizzazione nel nostro paese era far si che il comunismo non arrivasse mai al governo.

Tale organizzazione è rimasta hidden until the fall of the 'Soviet Union, in fact, in 1990 Giulio Andreotti revealed the Chamber of Deputies, the existence of Gladio, which he knew existed in that protected the political force of communism.

Tagliamonte then Luigi, head of planning and budget of the General Command of the Carabinieri said "I knew at the Cag (the training center of Punta Poglina sappers near Cape Marrargiu - Alghero SS) were carried out courses of training in guerrilla warfare, sabotage, use of explosives in order to employ people trained in case of disruptions in the streets, in the event that the PCI had took power. "

Tagliamonte said the course is very serious, the Communist Party would be damaged if came to power in Italy and who knows if they are not organized false flag attacks in order to put a bad light on communism, would not be outrageous to think that some of the episodes of the early lead was due to this movement, on the other hand there are thousands of such incidents mysteries and things that come back very little.

That view may be supported by the fact that Anthony Archon (former member of Gladio) in his book "The Last Mission" comes to declare "Who gave the orders to the commander of Gladio was Aldo Moro, and was killed, but a few months before doing so have removed our General Miceli. Just a coincidence? And to us, once in possession of our codes, just in that time we sent out on missions without sense, just to kill us, to eliminate us. ".

Now my intention is not good to take everything he says Archon (who seems to know all the issues of the world from what he says) but what is certain is that this organization in our country has played a very more important than we think and the PCI or those who still think as we have been extensively damaged from what that organization did or who knows maybe still does.
