Monday, December 1, 2008

How To Get To The Last Level On Funbrain

The character: Frida Kahlo

In 1910, Mexico began an armed revolt against the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz and the desire to be "children of the revolution" will lead to a Frida believe to have been born that year (instead of July 6, 1907).
Fu suo padre, un ebreo emigrato dalla Germania a 19 anni, a scegliere il nome (da Fried: pace in tedesco, che poi lei trasformerà in Frida come contestazione alla politica nazista tedesca) ad avvicinarla all’arte e a persuaderla a frequentare l’ambita scuola preparatoria nazionale.
Superato l’esame, Frida si aggregò ai “Cachuchas” un gruppo di studenti che si autodefiniva “provocatorio, antidogmatico e insolente” e nel quale si discuteva di filosofia e letteratura come di politica.
Nel 1925 l'autobus sul quale viaggiava si scontrò con un tram, il corrimano le trapassò il bacino, procurandole fratture alla spina dorsale, alle gambe e alle costole.
Costretta a trascorrere immobilized in bed a long time he began to paint on a regular basis: thanks to the tripod and the mirror, through the painting could externalize his pain.
After his convalescence, he resumed contact with Cachuchas through which he met Julio Antonio Mella, Tina Modotti and Diego Rivera (the latter two, respectively, the official photographer and founder of "El Machete" the official newspaper of the Communist Party). Frida and Diego were already unconscious
-trated in '22 when the already famous muralist had been commissioned to paint the amphitheater of his school.
Entry into contact with the political environment, he joined the Mexican Communist Party in '28, he went away più tardi quando Diego venne espulso per le sue opinioni trotzkiste e antistaliniste.
Nel ’29 i due si sposarono, la madre della sposa non digeriva Diego che a suo dire era
“vecchio, grasso e, peggio che mai, comunista e ateo”.
Arrivò la prima gravidanza, inevitabilmente interrotta a causa dei danni al bacino derivati dall’incidente, a distanza di un anno ebbe un aborto spontaneo e venne ricoverata all’Henry Ford Hospital (evento descritto nell’omonimo quadro ambientato nella Detroit industria dove Frida giace in un letto di ospedale, dalla sua mano un cordone la collega al feto ormai perso,
all’inefficiente struttura del bacino, al fiore regalatole da Diego e alla lumaca che rimanda alla lentezza dell’aborto). La coppia si trasferì a New York quando Diego ricevette l’incarico di dipingere un murale al Rockefeller Center ma presto venne licenziato per aver
messo la faccia di Lenin ad uno dei lavoratori rappresentati ed essersi rifiutato di modificarla.
Nonostante l’infedeltà di Diego fosse una costante di cui Frida era sempre stata consapevole, la storia con sua sorella Cristina fu una cosa di cui non riuscì a dimenticare, dipinse quindi il Recuerdo (trafitta da una sbarra, il cuore è ai suoi piedi e sta sanguinando mentre
l’assenza delle mani indica l’impotenza di fronte alla situazione che sta vivendo). È in questo periodo che, forse per un vendicativo bilanciamento accounts, he has relationships with companies sexually both men and women.
At the outbreak of the English Civil War Frida took part in the establishment of a solidarity committee to help the Republicans, meanwhile reports were apparently improved with Diego and was entrusted to them political asylum to Trotsky and his wife
(with whom there are rumors of a relationship a few months).
The surrealist poet André Breton came to Mexico to meet Trotsky, was conquered by his work so much that organize exhibitions in New York and Paris, where he received acclaim from artists such as Picasso, Duchamp, Kandinsky and Miro. As his artistic reputation grew physical condition left her no respite much to her painting La columna rota (in a desolate, arid landscape, many nails to retract the tip of which the largest on the heart, vivisection his body to show an allegorical column full of cracks).
Relations with Diego continued to worsen until 6 November '39 when they divorced, Frida cut his hair and clothes abandoned Mexican: This was the other Las dos Fridas (
eyes turned to the public, the Frida "without Diego "in a white dress holding the hand stained European
to Frida" sick of Diego "dressed as a Mexican and holding a medallion with the beloved, the two
hearts are connected by an umbilical-vein blocked by a clamp hemostasis that prevents fatal bleeding
of Frida "strong" after a stormy sky heralds bad news) but the
separation did not last long, 8 December 1940 he remarried. In 1946 he was made to co-
column, now Sin esperanza (the work where, lying on a hospital bed, she is forced from one machine to ingest food nauseating) began to use drugs and had to resort to amputation of a leg.
In '53 she was finally dedicated an exhibition in Mexico, to which even the severe physical condition prevented her from participating in his bed, he sailed to the museum by ambulance.
In recent days the need for spread political cause became urgent: it was increasingly convinced that El
Marxism will salud a los Sick as he painted (the American eagle holding in its talons a threat bomb while the dove of peace flies to the "red" areas and hands symbol Marxism has the eye of wisdom and hold free from the need of the prints had a self portrait with Stalin and a few days before his death he participated in a demonstration against the fall of the democratic government of Guatemala, provoked by the U.S. CIA, despite being forced in a wheelchair and pneumonia.
The Frida died July 13, 1954, the diagnosis was pulmonary embolism, the body was cremated in the coffin and wrapped Diego a flag of the Communist Party. One year after his death, Rivera
the Mexican government sold the house to turn it into a museum.



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