Today the new resistance ... this is what is the appeal to young people to defend these positions we have achieved, to defend the Republic and Democracy. And that is today
it takes two qualities in my opinion, dear friend, honesty and courage ... the honesty ... honesty ... honesty ...
Spring 2008: Arrived at elections of the Italian people rely on emergency government in the hands Silvio Berlusconi, head of the political right with the PDL (Party for Freedom). But come summer, one of the highlights of the new action becomes the "Lodo Alfano", ie the suspension of all ongoing trials for the four highest offices of state. But why all this haste in resolving the legal proceedings of the Prime Minister?
Throughout his entrepreneurial career went against allegations resulted in processes, most of them end for acquittal, amnesty or covered by prescription: Lies on the P2 lodge - The Court of Appeal of Venice, in 1990, says Berlusconi guilty of perjury before the Court of Verona about its inclusion of P2 (Pass No. 1816), but the offense is covered by the amnesty of 1989. Bribes
the Guardia di Finanza - was sentenced to 32 months for all four alleged bribes. The Court of Appeal: requirement for three of the bribes, because of extenuating circumstances that were not there before, acquittal doubtful: "The Judgement of guilt is based on multiple circumstantial evidence, certain, unambiguous, precise and consistent, for what with considerable persuasive force, such as to take probative value. "Supreme Court: acquittal. The reason for the acquittal of the fourth tangent is the lack of evidence.
All Iberian 1 - Here it is illegal financing of political parties that there was a payment from Fininvest SpA, the account in the name All Iberian, Northern Holding to account for Craxi. The offense lapse, none of the defendants is considered extraneous to the facts. The Supreme Court confirmed the requirement condemning the president and owner of Fininvest to pay the costs.
All Iberian 2 - Tried to falso in bilancio. Il processo è sospeso in attesa che nuove norme approvate dal governo Berlusconi sui reati societari, si pronuncino alla Corte di giustizia Europea e alla Corte Costituzionale Italiana.
Medusa Cinema - Versamento di fondi a nero da parte del suo collaboratore Bernasconi Carlo a Silvio Berlusconi Scrivono i giudici: "La molteplicità dei libretti riconducibili alla famiglia Berlusconi e le notorie rilevanti dimensioni del patrimonio di Berlusconi postulano l'impossibilità di conoscenza sia dell'incremento sia soprattutto dell'origine dello stesso". Corte d’appello promuove l’assoluzione con formula dubitativa. Cassazione: sentenza d'appello confermata.
Terreni di Macherio - Reati di appropriazione embezzlement, tax fraud and false accounting, payment of 4.4 billion lire to the former owner of the land surrounding the villa Macherio. Acquittal for the first two charges and the first false accounting, the second is covered by amnesty. Lentini
Case - Payment of money in the black for the purchase of Torino Calcio players Luigi Lentini. Crime prescribed under the new rules governing the proceedings on the false accounting (rules made by him).
Mafia - Investigations stored in Palermo at the request of Attorney for expiration of the maximum extent permitted to investigate.
bombs in 1992 and 1993 - Investigations by the prosecution to Florence and Caltanissetta on the alleged "instigators masked" the massacres of 1992 (Falcone e Borsellino) and 1993 (Milan, Florence and Rome) were dropped on account of delay of investigation. In Florence, 14 November 1998, the investigating judge, however, noted Joseph Soresina like Berlusconi and Dell'Utri have "engaged in not merely episodic with which criminal elements and report the program stragista realized" that is, with the Corleone clan who for twenty years Cosa Nostra guide with hundreds of murders and half a dozen murders. Adds the Florentine court that there is "an objective convergence of political interests of the Cosa Nostra qualified than some of the new training program guidelines [Forza Italy]: Article 41 bis, collaborators of justice legislation, recovery of the guarantor of the case overlooked by the law in early 1990. "He adds that, during the investigation, even" the initial hypothesis [of involvement in massacres of Berlusconi and dell'Utri] has maintained and, if anything, increased its plausibility " . But unfortunately the deadline has passed up the preliminary investigation before you can gather further information. The other crimes for which Berlusconi was accused, that we just mention briefly, we give a nearly complete with its past. Consolidated group Fininvest, Lodo Mondadori, Sme-Ariosto, TV rights, Telecinco.
With the ready (and arrogant) solution known as "Lodo Alfano" or decree block-processes, Berlusconi and his government have shown us their desire to dissolve the past, certainly not clear of the Prime Minister. This is demonstrated by the recent doubts raised by the Constitutional Court on the legality of the decree as "seems" to go against the precise contents of the fundamental principles of the Constitution:
Art.3: "All citizens have equal 'social status and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal or social conditions .[...]"
What we want to emphasize is that it is above all morally inconceivable such a thing, there are too many coincidences in the facts di ieri e soprattutto in quelli di oggi che ci conducono alla consapevolezza di avere affidato l’Italia a delle persone forse inadatte a tale compito. Ci rendiamo altrettanto consapevoli della possibilità di riscontrare casi del genere in tutte le fazioni che costituiscono l'attuale parlamento. Questo provvedimento, palesemente pretestuoso è stato giustificato dalla volontà di far procedere il Governo in maniera lineare e continua, secondo loro i processi rallentano e disturbano l’operato delle quattro maggiori cariche impedendo la serenità necessaria per operare. Lasciamo a voi il giudizio, ci chiediamo se in un Paese che si dichiara democratico sia possibile e giusto tale provvedimento.
…E quindi l’appello I am doing to young people is this: to try to be honest, first of all, the policy needs to be done with clean hands! There can be ... if there is any scandal ... if ... if there is someone that scandal ... if there is any politician who takes advantage of the policy to do their dirty interests must be reported without fear! "Sandro Pertini
(1896 - 1990)
Chip & Dale
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