South America today
Conservatives, who believe that the current system of wealth production ( that today creates inequality of men) is a fact that can not be changed, they should look at what is happening today in Latin America. The idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism, the specter that they believe they have exorcised, is the cornerstone of the actions and hopes of an entire continent. There is not only Cuba resisting, (despite some difficulty) and is undergoing a change from a few months old at the summit, which many did not believe possible without cancel the revolutionary gains. Even in most other South American countries, revolutionary processes are in place, despite the diversity of experiences. It is not my intention to provide the reader or the reader a complete picture: I will confine myself to a short exposure of certain facts without any claim to fully describe a process that would require more space than they can grant me your patience.
start with a brief overview on their own with the advent of the Cuban revolution, the country, which was one of the poorest former colonies, has reached levels hitherto unknown in Latin America. Illiteracy has virtually disappeared, the health care system has become a model for the entire third world, the standard of living of the inhabitants (ie of all and not just a privileged elite) is greatly improved. This has (essentially) not only survived the "crash muro” ma a quaranta anni di blocco economico, di continui tentativi di golpe, di sabotaggi, e anche di terrorismo - poiché sono state fatte azioni anche di questo tipo - da parte degli Usa. Questo prova inconfutabilmente che il sostegno popolare non è mai venuto meno al governo cubano.
L'esempio cubano ha ispirato direttamente, ed ha sostenuto fattivamente, ad esempio con l'invio di personale sanitario, l'azione politica del presidente Chávez, uomo che parla apertamente di socialismo. Costui, attraverso la nazionalizzazione delle grandi aziende, inizialmente quelle del settore petrolifero, (nazionalizzazione che è stata estesa da parte degli stessi lavoratori, i quali in più di un caso hanno occupato ed autogestito fino expropriation of the factories in crisis) could achieve significant results in the modernization of the country, investing money in public health, education, improvement of living conditions of the masses. Now it's imminent nationalization of the Bank of Venezuela, which will allow further progress. Chávez himself has stated that "The profits will not go to private groups, but will be invested in social development. Socialism is stronger with each passing day. " Again the capitalists pushed their chief representative, ie Bush, to do everything possible to bury the story. Thus we have seen support for an attempted coup, and many of the opponents politici del presidente. Non nego che ci siano stati errori, imprecisioni, azioni "alla meno peggio" etc., ma.....Come esempio di disinformazione sul tema, porterò le voci che periodicamente affermano l'assenza della libertà di parola in Venezuela. Vi citerò un brano tratto dall'articolo di A. Villari, pubblicato sul sito www.giù :"secondo i dati dell’Osservatorio Internazionale sui Media, la gran parte dell’informazione in Venezuela, non soltanto è privata, ma è anche apertamente schierata con l’opposizione al Governo di Chavez: è un curioso paradosso della democrazia, che in un Paese in cui il Governo dispone di un sostegno popolare di quasi due terzi della popolazione (stando the last presidential elections), three-quarters of the media will not do anything but attack. In 2002, the Centre for Human Rights explicitly states that "far from providing a honest and truthful, the media largely seek to provoke popular discontent to support the extremist wing of the opposition." Nevertheless, this is the democracy of the Bolivarian government, that no station has been closed, and before the expiry of the license to RCTV (closed private broadcaster NDR) is withdrawn the use of frequencies. One wonders if any other "democratic" countries, if a television channel had openly supported the overthrow of the government, would continue to broadcast even after the failure of the coup, and if its owner should be free of criminal justice. "
Even Bolivia, the Morales government, even though similar attacks, is nationalizing the immense natural wealth the country as well, for example, the majority of the shares of telecommunications. "Interest strong" who tried to prevent a radicalization of the situation through the secessionist forces, were recently defeated by a referendum.
Both Ecuador, Correa, that Nicaragua, with Ortega elected governments as "very progressive." One could also mention the case of Uruguay .... Although it was disappointing the hopes initial well the government of Lula in Brazil remains in many respects a positive example. The same applies, although to a lesser extent, Chile for the great economic crisis of 2001 brought the masses of Argentina (among others) to occupy and to self-manage many factories, experiment with its limitations, lasts all ' hour and shows the potential of the working class. In conclusion, "the sun of" is strongly felt, even today in 2008.
Gianluca Angels
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