Thursday, October 16, 2008

Card Games Using 2 Decks

ad personam laws

is now known that in the legislation passed, but also in the present one, have been proposed and adopted measures of the law or it acts in the same status as contested as they seem to have been issued with the specific purpose to favor certain people ( in most cases the same Silvio Berlusconi). Some examples can give a better idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is said: the decriminalization of false accounting, the Act requests, the reduction of the limitation period. These measures are sometimes all it takes to give us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow almost personalistic of how power is managed, not subterfuge for which there is no need to enter into the labyrinth of the measures, amendments, etc.. to trace: for better or worse the people are aware of it, although thanks to some more information that individual journalists do more pubblica.Tuttavia technical analysis of these measures I would try to focus on how they have been accepted by the electorate. It will be for my naivete, but when I heard on the grapevine that some justify the effectiveness of these laws, I thought it was a lack of information about it, but I noticed that often it is not so: people know what are the effects of laws blocking processes, the reduction requirements and so on. and get a head of government to justify that made her "interest" in the role in which trova.Tutto what is the symbol of the degeneration of "policy": the common man has a more generalized conception "private law" of policy in the sense that the voter supports, justifies and vote for the one who makes his own economic interest. It's not all: most recently, the common man has come to justify the policy only do all their interest and not that of a community and that is why we think that Berlusconi is entitled to protect themselves by using the place holds. We arrived at what I can not help but define as a "selfless selfishness" as it may seem paradoxical private conception of the roots in the economic, political and social, is leading the population to close, making only his own interest, support more conservative positions, such entrenched in the need for security that justifies all to think so. Surely even the left has its faults, returning to the example that I made at the beginning, it is known that the opposition has never managed, even when they went on to govern, to put a stop to this degeneration, is the emblematic If the measure on conflict of interest that has not yet been issued, but not all: sometimes some leftists have collaborated in proposing similar legal obscenity. We can not help but face the reality, since behind all this, again inevitably lost touch with the masses, is certainly possible that a law that would stop the proliferation of these acts in personam was and it is still necessary. To make it the same people to show their dissent is necessary to go to the root of the problem, solve the issues related to work, to give concrete answers to those who need that part politica li rappresenti concretamente.

Così facendo si potrebbe ricreare quella base sociale militante che, quando c’è bisogno di lottare (e di ricordare che in un paese democratico non è accettabile che un capo di governo con atti di diritto pubblico, risolva questioni private) ti segua in massa e, allora qualcosa potrebbe cambiare.



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