Thursday, October 16, 2008

What Is The Best Adhesive For Stainless Steel


In questo numero vi voglio parlare di un organizzazione clandestina di cui molti non conoscono l'esistenza , il suo nome è Gladio.

Essa è stata attiva praticamente in tutti i paesi dell'Europa occidentale ma lo è stata ancor di più nel nostro paese.

Con la fine della seconda guerra mondiale e l'inizio della guerra fredda gli Stati Uniti temevano che l'Unione Sovietica potesse esportare il suo modello di stato nel resto d'Europa, così fù creata Gladio.

Tale organizzazione non si limitava solamente allo spionaggio, ma avrebbe compiuto anche attentati e simili operazioni rivendicate sotto falsa bandiera per fomentare divisioni politiche e attacchi terroristici.

Personaggi chiave nell'organizzazione furono Gehlen Org un'ex criminale nazista (e di tali individui la Gladio era piena) e Allen Dulles fondatore della Cia che avrebbe finanziato l'organizzazione.

Nel nostro paese Gladio arriva nel 1956 grazie ad un intesa fra i servizi segreti italiani e statunitensi , compito dell'organizzazione nel nostro paese era far si che il comunismo non arrivasse mai al governo.

Tale organizzazione è rimasta hidden until the fall of the 'Soviet Union, in fact, in 1990 Giulio Andreotti revealed the Chamber of Deputies, the existence of Gladio, which he knew existed in that protected the political force of communism.

Tagliamonte then Luigi, head of planning and budget of the General Command of the Carabinieri said "I knew at the Cag (the training center of Punta Poglina sappers near Cape Marrargiu - Alghero SS) were carried out courses of training in guerrilla warfare, sabotage, use of explosives in order to employ people trained in case of disruptions in the streets, in the event that the PCI had took power. "

Tagliamonte said the course is very serious, the Communist Party would be damaged if came to power in Italy and who knows if they are not organized false flag attacks in order to put a bad light on communism, would not be outrageous to think that some of the episodes of the early lead was due to this movement, on the other hand there are thousands of such incidents mysteries and things that come back very little.

That view may be supported by the fact that Anthony Archon (former member of Gladio) in his book "The Last Mission" comes to declare "Who gave the orders to the commander of Gladio was Aldo Moro, and was killed, but a few months before doing so have removed our General Miceli. Just a coincidence? And to us, once in possession of our codes, just in that time we sent out on missions without sense, just to kill us, to eliminate us. ".

Now my intention is not good to take everything he says Archon (who seems to know all the issues of the world from what he says) but what is certain is that this organization in our country has played a very more important than we think and the PCI or those who still think as we have been extensively damaged from what that organization did or who knows maybe still does.



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