Dear friends,
we arrived at the most nostalgic Summer Salt & Light 2010:
budget. And I assure you that a budget (how cold) can become a
of the most nostalgic for a life membership. But before you rattle off
numbers, data, photos and reviews, which serve to make proud
seduce supporters and detractors, I'd like to express all
my gratitude to those who, as always, makes
Salt & Light a credible reality. Our
be "Association" is renewed from year to year appointment in
appointment, experiencing new projects, mainly those trying to '
social commitment that (hopefully) can contribute to the growth of a
community and trying to be as appropriate as possible.
I start with a My belief: To be adapted to their role, believing in its commitment
(whatever it is and whatever level it takes place) remains the only
(and perhaps last) chance to help solve problems
social, civic and perhaps policies that limit our country. Salt & Light
believes, as always, that civic engagement steps for awareness
roles of each of us, from the simplest to the citizen "first
would be nice one day, maybe during a big event L & D measure, for every citizen
palagianese, the rate of awareness of their role.
Then maybe we would find that to make it inappropriate in some cases, the '
indifference, is the inability to take responsibility,
is the belief that "I can not do much" ...
Of course not, the association alone, making it more suitable for its
roles, especially an association that at the end "is only funny." But you can start
by these realities. The experiment
Salt & Light summer 2010 (beyond dei 5 diversi eventi, della
gente che ha partecipato, dell’entusiasmo che abbiamo riscontrato) ha voluto
testare proprio l’interazione tra associazioni. L’idea messa in campo è stata
semplice: la “sinergia” (l’agire insieme) che rafforza e potenzia l’efficacia
di ognuno.
Il risultato è stato sotto gli occhi di tutti.
Mi ha fatto molto pensare la battuta di un consigliere comunale (a cui mi lega
un sentimento di amicizia) il quale per controbattere a delle mie osservazioni
sull’inadeguatezza di alcuni ruoli, mi ha risposto: “Domizià,
you can not understand the party games "... that mean? ... I can not understand ...
party games!
Sure associations alone can not (and should not) compete with "games
party", but can cope with the need for more "social dynamism,"
may propose alternatives that are can be freely chosen. This is
a small country and then maybe it's better to offer "alternative"
proportionate to the needs, but we can not (and we) believe that fill fifty
an outdoor bar means having fulfilled its role, having given the '
alternative. Not what the "social dynamic"!
must play their role properly and consciously,
must believe in your commitment, you should know and take responsibility
from within our roles, persevering.
For that I thank the members first Light & Sale because they create an alternative
through its commitment free. I thank Don Rocco Martucci
for his role, and not because they provide "ecclesiastical protection" but because it simply offers more
an alternative space ... a space that in this small country
missing, (gives us the opportunity to choose freely)! I thank the
Associations "synergistic" Sloow food, singing, Theatre Company
San Nicola, who believed in a difficult but exciting project.
thank institutions, municipal and provincial levels, which in small steps, but with a constant
growing support our initiatives.
Finally, sincerely, we at Salt & Light, we thank our beloved
public court final.
The applause can be driven ... but 1800 seats or are filled or remain empty
At this point I would rattle off numbers, data, photos and reviews
... but I saw that the internet is chock full of material. So I refer you to our computerized
spaces. Follow us on our blog ( ) and on our
Thank you to the next.
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