Salvation is destined for all humanity.
Jesus is the gift of God's love for the world.
L'uomo giunge a ottenere pienezza e vita attraverso la capacitá di amare.
Mariusz, Stefano and Moses.
Guido Salton.
Guido Salton is Alpine Guide since 1985, he has opened several new routes in the dolomites region. Since 1989 he is involved in the EV-K2-CNR project in Nepal for the developping of the international research lab pyramid ad 5050 asl into the Kumbu valley. His role in this exiting adventure is to overhaul the structure in the period Where the hut is out of season.
Rifugio Biella.
Mariusz and Moses.
Comboni Missionary
Internationales Scholastikat
Amraser-See-Straße 6b
6020 Innsbruck Austria
Ready for lunch!
Biella to the Rifugio Croda del Becco.
Seekofel Hut.
The Biella hut is located at 2327m asl nearby the typical mt “Croda del Beco”, whose height is 2810m asl. The hut is the doorway to the so called “ Alta Via 1 ”, one of the several pre-defined trips connecting the dolomites area.
Singt dem Herrn alle Völker der Erde.
Come Gesú, Pastore di uomini.
« Chi di voi se ha cento pecore e ne loses one, does not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after the lost one until he finds it? Ritrovatala, puts it on his shoulder, delighted, goes home, call together his friends and neighbors, saying: Rejoice with me, because I found my lost sheep. So, I tell you, there is more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no conversion. "
(Luke 15, 3-7)
Moses and Mariusz.
Verse Fane.
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