Friday, September 24, 2010

Invitation To Baseball Game

Father Ezekiel Ramin - Fragments of a Mosaic - Drawings

Stables Palazzo Moroni
9 to 26 September 2010

On July 24, 1985, Ezekiel Ramin father was assassinated by gunmen in Brazil for a landowner in St. Paul. was a young missionary in Padua.
At twenty-five years after his death you want to remember his message through a novel aspect of his personality, his drawings ...

One thing I would say.

E' una cosa speciale per coloro

che sono sensibili alle cose belle.

Abbiate un sogno.

Un bel sogno.

Seguite soltanto un sogno.

Il sogno di tutta la vita.

Life is a dream which is glad.

A life that follows a dream

is renewed day by day.

Whether your a dream that seeks to make happy

not only all the people,

but also their descendants.

I love you all and love justice,

and justice simply the will of every person,

will suffice as a Church,

as a community.

After Christ died a victim of injustice,

every injustice challenge the Christian.

Father Ezekiel Ramin

John Fabiano Ramin, Alex and Stephen. Padova.


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