Thursday, February 5, 2009

How To Keep Fruit Buffet Cold

awkward exit

La crisi dei mercati esplosa a Wall Street e diffusasi rapidamente in tutto il mondo, oltre a
comportare un inevitabile riassetto dei rapporti of power between the various world powers
(USA-Europe on one side and China - India on the other), has laid bare all the inconsistency of the capitalist mode of production - the exchange of goods.
It is no coincidence then that today all governments, even the most liberal and convinced
supporters of self-regulated market, prices have to nationalize the losses of their
bankers and financiers in order to maintain their social dominance.
The measures adopted as the intervention of the state capital in large companies,
reducing the cost of money and even the questioning of protocols on free movement of goods or pollution, are not served almost nothing, if not to exaggerate the public debts of the states.
The price of these rescue operations will be paid once again by
workers through an increase in taxation on salaries, the loss of power continues in the face of galloping inflation ad'acquisto, destruction of health and public schools.
is in this scenario that the economic crisis and the recession (the real one) landed on our territory, opening our eyes to the falsehood uttered by the Berlusconi government, according to which there is no danger to the individual and that did so much to separate the financial crisis from the structural one of our big and medium-sized enterprises.


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