Monday, May 4, 2009

Dangers Of Proclear Contact Lenses

more money to those who work out the inconvenient 6 ^ ^ 5

This government continues to give its best
quieting his gullible public with easy answers and populist, so the patrols become the solution to crime and rapes,
strike is launched to "ensure the public service," the president is accused of murdering a woman "beautiful, young and fertile "(Eluana), is abolished
pushing the unemployment benefit because of redundancies ...
But there is another event that deserved more attention:
the CERD Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination ( with the convention CERD/C/ITA/15) has accused Italy of the serious violations of human rights in relation
dei lavoratori migranti, per i discorsi xenofobi dei nostri politici, per l’accanimento delle
forze di polizia contro i Rom e per la loro ghettizzazione.
Il suddetto organo ha anche richiamato i mass media ad agire contro
i pregiudizi razziali e il governo a provvedere all’integrazione delle minoranze presenti.
Che siano anche loro “i soliti comunisti” che stravolgono fatti e parole?


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