Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Blueprints On A Fishing Boat?

Approved Gelmini decree: The Fight Starts Now

Approval of Dl Gelmini today the Senate will not stop our struggle, and many who are still determined. There is debate in the Committee on Culture and Education of the Chamber of Deputies a draft law presented by the President Aprea, who definitely wants to destroy what remains of the public in the Italian education system. Students protesting with us, we ask you to continue to fight, to resist and to be vigilant. The many fascists who are trying to infiltrate the rallies (most recently in the Senate today), with the police to leave (which has received orders over?) Show that there is a government's attempt to criminalize the movement. And who knows that criminalization does not pass some fascistello also pushing to enter to cause trouble.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cesearian Section With Anemia

The character: Gianfranco Fini

Gianfranco Fini was born in Bologna in 1952. The name is chosen Gianfranco to remember a cousin killed by partisans. Nonostate the father is Communist, is approaching the Movement Italian Social at a young age, where career and will become the secretary of the Youth Front, having been chosen directly by Almirante ( yeah, what he wrote on a poster of CSR "all those who do not will be presented will be considered outlaws and passed for weapons by shooting in the back", at which they want to dedicate a street ...). Dead Almirante, and forget the exaggerated praise of fascism, soon became the secretary of the MSI, which leads to the so-called Turn of Fiuggi, where the party will change its name in the anti-fascist National Alliance and embrace (although in the same year states: "The captain was an example of love for their land and their people, it will one day Italy rehabilitate and with Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi, he too will be entitled squares and monuments "). Hence its political history will bind to that of Berlusconi (and to a lesser extent that of Bossi and Casini). Join the governments Berlusconi II and III, but not without friction with the secession of Bossi, but during the recent two years of the Prodi government begins to break with Berlusconi's no longer a young age despite the facelift, which proposes to boost its image linked inevitable nuovismo (illness policy today) to establish a new party: the statements begin heavy ("In the end I am sure that Mr. Berlusconi be able to reason with him. Why is a man with a very rigid set of values \u200b\u200band first c 'is self-interest. So just threaten to hit him on the reform of the TV show "Francis said in Bei, Fini's anger" Pierced by the Knight, "the Republic, November 16, 2007, and then:" To behave in the way it is by Mr Berlusconi has nothing to do with the theater of politics is to be the final comic. From these words, deliberately very clear, I want to make clear to all that, at least for what concerns the president An, there is no possibility that An melts and flows into the new party of Berlusconi's speech to the assembly as an NA meeting in Rome Ergife, December 9, 2007, and again: "The Knight has done everything himself. He set up the circles of freedom to the Brambilla. Then he created the Freedom Party without even warn his friends of Forza Italy, and then destroyed the CDL. Conclusion of the games, written rules (in the drafting of which we were not invited to participate) we should knock on his door, hat in hand and ashes on his head? We are not petitioners .[...] I am the chairman of An, not a sheep "). Fini, Prodi's government fell after the withdrawal of confidence from Mastella discovers his love for the sheep and decides to agree with Berlusconi, completely forgetting what a few months earlier he had said, most likely in search of the place by Berlusconi's successor (as the "best" Italian political tradition teaches), and forms with Knight a new political entity (the "People of Liberty") planning the Congress of AN, which should establish its dissolution in the new political entity (unless you change your mind again ... this is yet to be seen). Won the elections on April 13 and 14 becomes Speaker of the House and only a day after his office he said (referring to both expression of the social centers in Turin against Israel's policies, both murder of Nicholas Tommasoli, some beaten to death by skinheads) that the episode of Turin is much more serious because it "is not the first time that the radical left fringe give rise to actions against Israel seeking to justify a policy anti-Zionist, "as if a demonstration against the policies of a state (or rather, in support of another state, that of the Palestinians) is less serious than a boy killed by blows from a group of skinheads. I only hope that you change your mind Fini on this point.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Deleting Logins From Mac Facebook

The unit of resistance: the communist standpoint

forces available to the Resistance
were certainly not homogeneous politically.
A good part of the political spectrum
the time was, albeit in different proportions,
its representation. We went to some areas of
monarchists (especially after September 8)
going from liberal Democrats
bodies from the bourgeoisie, to the socialists, communists and even the anarchists
fairly schematic, I could, without any pretension to be exhaustive
remember how, in addition to those who came to the Resistance

following a precise route
ideological militancy in political parties outlawed by fascism, it could
find many young people for whom the choice
derived from their personal experiences, and marked its maturity
interior. This makes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe variety of
human composition of the partisans,
though certainly runs the risk typical of all the
schematization, ie to generalize
abstract phenomena far more complex.
Upon return from exile of Togliatti,
March 1944, the Communists cooperating with
other resistance forces, but only, so to say
, immediately. The prospect of socialist revolution
, felt like the next coming
led to consider other anti-fascist forces
un po' come il nemico di domani, dal
quale si pensava occorresse mantenere le distanze.
In ogni caso, il settarismo di Bordiga aveva
lasciato il segno, portando il partito a considerare
con sospetto ogni organismo esterno.
Qui occorre una digressione cronologica; su come
il PCI si sia rapportato alle altre forze antifasciste,
dall'avvento al potere del fascismo, fino a
quella che passerà alla storia come "la svolta di
Salerno". Per ridurre ( e condurre) il discorso
ad un esempio estremo, ricorderò lo scetticismo
(per non dir peggio)del partito di fronte al
fenomeno (schiettamente popolare) dei cosiddetti
"Arditi del Popolo"la cui composizione politica,
(socialisti, comunisti, anarchici) era comunque
più omogenea di quella che avrebbe
preso le armi contro il fascismo in seguito. Ma
nel frattempo, tra le altre cose, c'era stata la lezione
della guerra civile spagnola, essenziale nella
formazione di Togliatti, che aveva, a prescindere
dagli esiti, e dalle problematiche irrisolte
che poneva, mostrato l' imprescindibilità della
collaborazione antifascista di forze politiche eterogenee.
Dal punto di vista ideologico, il terreno
era stato preparato sia dal lavoro di Gramsci,
(necessità di una battaglia di egemonia all'interno
della società civile) sia dalle conclusioni
the Seventh Congress of the Communist International
1935, where she had been ideologically
analyzed the need for anti-fascist popular fronts including
also democraticoborghesi forces.
The most "formal" in a
was the entry of Togliatti in the Badoglio government.
Togliatti insisted to ensure that the front of national unity
were maintained for as long as possible
even in the post-Liberation (and then the inevitable clash
were maintained in binary
constitutional standards) thereby avoiding a repeat of the
situation in Greece, where, after the liberation
, differences between anti-fascists sfociarono
in scontro aperto. Con i risultati che
sappiamo.Ancora oggi, l'ANPI cerca di portare
avanti gli ideali dell'antifascismo nello spirito unitario
di “fronte popolare” che caratterizzò la

Gianluca Angeli

N.b. Rimando, per approfondimenti, il lettore o
la lettrice ai primi capitoli dell'opera: “Storia
d'Italia dal dopoguerra ad oggi” di P.Ginsburg.

Tibialis Posterior Tendonitis

resistance and anti-fascism

Conosciamo davvero il passato che ci ha preceduti?
Siamo veramente in grado di poter spiegare
l’essenza che sta alla base di semplici parole
come “Resistenza”, “Partigiano”,

Like most of you I was sure of my knowledge on this topic, but I was wrong.
After careful research, motivated by the desire to understand what really has happened in the past, I stumbled on an aspect of "resistance" that impressed me very much, we can define it more generally as a handful of men who have had the objective the liberation of our country from a dictatorial regime, but the true meaning of this word is quite different.
think it through great men are so different politically (anarchists, communists, socialists, shareholders, liberal, Catholic), which are riusciti a formare un gruppo di persone che hanno avuto come unico scopo la liberazione della patria da un regime fascista che è stato totalitario e subdolo.
Questa gente si è buttata alle spalle la loro diversità e rivalità, e sono riusciti nel loro obbiettivo
senza quella confusione generale che oggi vediamo ogni giorno nella nostra politica.
Mi chiedo perché non si possa trasferire la forza e la volontà degli uomini del nostro passato
adesso. Vedo sfaldamenti di partiti, pregiudizi e brutali mosse politiche finalizzate alla tutela
della propria persona invece che eseguite per il benessere di un’intera nazione.
Come siamo riusciti ad arrivare a questo punto?
Davvero il “Passato” non ha insegnato nulla?
Forse sta accadendo tutto ciò perché per qualche motivo non siamo riusciti a tramandare a
fondo il vero significato e lo sforzo della Resistenza partigiana.
Potremmo imputare la causa anche agli avvenimenti
che sono successi nel dopoguerra: c’è stato un degenero totale in quanto ogni fazione
politica, che aveva partecipato al movimento antifascista, ha preteso una grande fetta di importanza in campo politico, permettendo così che il “vero” pensiero partigiano si frantumasse.
Siamo arrivati a un punto dove si vede veramente questa rottura politica. A mio avviso sarebbe necessario che le forze democratiche ritrovassero la loro vocazione antifascista nell’agire quotidiano, invece di dare più importanza a cose paragonabilmente inferiori.
Riflettendo non siamo riusciti ad avere rispetto per lo sforzo enorme
che hanno fatto i nostri compagni caduti per portare un poco di libertà nel nostro paese.
Bisogna tramandare il giusto valore della libertà e cercare, al meglio di noi stessi, di trasformarlo
in realtà sociale senza la presenza di false maschere e con la stessa determinazione dei nostri
partigiani nell’aiutare la nostra nazione.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Card Games Using 2 Decks

ad personam laws

is now known that in the legislation passed, but also in the present one, have been proposed and adopted measures of the law or it acts in the same status as contested as they seem to have been issued with the specific purpose to favor certain people ( in most cases the same Silvio Berlusconi). Some examples can give a better idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is said: the decriminalization of false accounting, the Act requests, the reduction of the limitation period. These measures are sometimes all it takes to give us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow almost personalistic of how power is managed, not subterfuge for which there is no need to enter into the labyrinth of the measures, amendments, etc.. to trace: for better or worse the people are aware of it, although thanks to some more information that individual journalists do more pubblica.Tuttavia technical analysis of these measures I would try to focus on how they have been accepted by the electorate. It will be for my naivete, but when I heard on the grapevine that some justify the effectiveness of these laws, I thought it was a lack of information about it, but I noticed that often it is not so: people know what are the effects of laws blocking processes, the reduction requirements and so on. and get a head of government to justify that made her "interest" in the role in which trova.Tutto what is the symbol of the degeneration of "policy": the common man has a more generalized conception "private law" of policy in the sense that the voter supports, justifies and vote for the one who makes his own economic interest. It's not all: most recently, the common man has come to justify the policy only do all their interest and not that of a community and that is why we think that Berlusconi is entitled to protect themselves by using the place holds. We arrived at what I can not help but define as a "selfless selfishness" as it may seem paradoxical private conception of the roots in the economic, political and social, is leading the population to close, making only his own interest, support more conservative positions, such entrenched in the need for security that justifies all to think so. Surely even the left has its faults, returning to the example that I made at the beginning, it is known that the opposition has never managed, even when they went on to govern, to put a stop to this degeneration, is the emblematic If the measure on conflict of interest that has not yet been issued, but not all: sometimes some leftists have collaborated in proposing similar legal obscenity. We can not help but face the reality, since behind all this, again inevitably lost touch with the masses, is certainly possible that a law that would stop the proliferation of these acts in personam was and it is still necessary. To make it the same people to show their dissent is necessary to go to the root of the problem, solve the issues related to work, to give concrete answers to those who need that part politica li rappresenti concretamente.

Così facendo si potrebbe ricreare quella base sociale militante che, quando c’è bisogno di lottare (e di ricordare che in un paese democratico non è accettabile che un capo di governo con atti di diritto pubblico, risolva questioni private) ti segua in massa e, allora qualcosa potrebbe cambiare.


What Is The Best Adhesive For Stainless Steel


In questo numero vi voglio parlare di un organizzazione clandestina di cui molti non conoscono l'esistenza , il suo nome è Gladio.

Essa è stata attiva praticamente in tutti i paesi dell'Europa occidentale ma lo è stata ancor di più nel nostro paese.

Con la fine della seconda guerra mondiale e l'inizio della guerra fredda gli Stati Uniti temevano che l'Unione Sovietica potesse esportare il suo modello di stato nel resto d'Europa, così fù creata Gladio.

Tale organizzazione non si limitava solamente allo spionaggio, ma avrebbe compiuto anche attentati e simili operazioni rivendicate sotto falsa bandiera per fomentare divisioni politiche e attacchi terroristici.

Personaggi chiave nell'organizzazione furono Gehlen Org un'ex criminale nazista (e di tali individui la Gladio era piena) e Allen Dulles fondatore della Cia che avrebbe finanziato l'organizzazione.

Nel nostro paese Gladio arriva nel 1956 grazie ad un intesa fra i servizi segreti italiani e statunitensi , compito dell'organizzazione nel nostro paese era far si che il comunismo non arrivasse mai al governo.

Tale organizzazione è rimasta hidden until the fall of the 'Soviet Union, in fact, in 1990 Giulio Andreotti revealed the Chamber of Deputies, the existence of Gladio, which he knew existed in that protected the political force of communism.

Tagliamonte then Luigi, head of planning and budget of the General Command of the Carabinieri said "I knew at the Cag (the training center of Punta Poglina sappers near Cape Marrargiu - Alghero SS) were carried out courses of training in guerrilla warfare, sabotage, use of explosives in order to employ people trained in case of disruptions in the streets, in the event that the PCI had took power. "

Tagliamonte said the course is very serious, the Communist Party would be damaged if came to power in Italy and who knows if they are not organized false flag attacks in order to put a bad light on communism, would not be outrageous to think that some of the episodes of the early lead was due to this movement, on the other hand there are thousands of such incidents mysteries and things that come back very little.

That view may be supported by the fact that Anthony Archon (former member of Gladio) in his book "The Last Mission" comes to declare "Who gave the orders to the commander of Gladio was Aldo Moro, and was killed, but a few months before doing so have removed our General Miceli. Just a coincidence? And to us, once in possession of our codes, just in that time we sent out on missions without sense, just to kill us, to eliminate us. ".

Now my intention is not good to take everything he says Archon (who seems to know all the issues of the world from what he says) but what is certain is that this organization in our country has played a very more important than we think and the PCI or those who still think as we have been extensively damaged from what that organization did or who knows maybe still does.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Bmi Average For A Woman

workers' demands the "Pastry Leonardo

"Why, why, again to the workers in the ass" funny how significant this chorus is true for the Communists as the class struggle that we are a reason for living. Unfortunately, currently the scene of the working world is different than in the past and relations of production after many years remain basically unchanged.
We must not resort to mo examples of the strikes of the early nineteenth century London nor occupations
Turin during the two red, the climate of exploitation continues even today.
Regarding our territory just look at the recent strikes
incurred from July to August by the workers of "Pasticceria Leonardo Mercatale in contrast to the greed
management about the trade union platform proposed by the RSU (Trade Union Representative).
For the uninitiated the "Pasticceria Leonardo" in the industry
produces tens of thousands of croissants to be distributed throughout Italy (roadside restaurants in the first place).
The property is in the hands of this company Bagnoli family, known owner
Sammontana Empire (third producer of ice cream at the national level after Algida and Motta
name multinationals like Nestle).
We're not talking peanuts, but then with huge budgets of many zeros.

The disagreement was born in June, at the end of five years in which
the company had asked the workers not to make demands, because it would have to amortize
costs arising from the purchase of new industrial building bigger and
more efficient than the last. In short, "hold on together, and the fruits of our patience will reap in the future." At the termination of the RSU is presented in uffici dirigenziali con la proposta di un'aumento del premio di produzione annuo
(il consolidamento dello stipendio era già da allora fuori discussione) chiedendo ai responsabili
aziendali di mantenere le promesse fatte. La storia ci insegna a riguardo che le promesse
degli imprenditori sono da marinai e anche stavolta questo finale si è ripetuto. La dirigenza
aveva infatti appena aquistato per la modica cifra di 190 milioni di euro le famose aziende
Samson e Tre Marie, sostanzialmente per togliersi parte della concorrenza
sul mercato. I detti “non c'è trippa per gatti” e “becchi e bastonati” descrivevano perfettamente
il clima percepito in quel di Mercatale.
Stavolta però il cinismo dirigenziale aveva superato ogni limite e il malessere
operaio si tramutò in azione: fù così che l'RSU proclamò una serie di scioperi a scacchiera
da eseguire in sequenze sempre più strette. L'adesione è stata numerosa, pochi crumiri e tanta la
Le infami minacce di non rinnovo del contratto agli stagionali (circa il 15% della forza lavoro totale) non ebbero gli effetti voluti: gli stagionali stessi si schierarono in prima fila davanti al resto degli scioperanti, inveendo contro la tirannia imprenditoriale.
Se tanta fù l'unità di spirito operaio, tanto inaspettati furono i risvolti che la vicenda
prese. Quando il gioco si fà duro i duri cominciano a giocare, e fù così che l'azienda fece
scendere in campo il consulente aziendale di turno, mastino del padrone, cinico inflessibile,
preparato al punto di non concedere la minima briciola ai sindacalisti. E se a questo aggiungiamo
anche gli scontri e i dissidi che si sono verificati all'interno del RSU durante le trattative, il
risultato che otteniamo è un esiguo premio di produzione di appena mille euro al raggingimento
di un incremento del 3% .
Insomma un contentino irrisorio che fà contento soltanto il padrone e che lascia invece l'amaro in bocca ai disillusi operai. Tutta questa vicenda è significativa a proposito di ciò che gli operai devono vivere giorno per giorno. In queste situazioni si tende sempre di più ad incolpare i sindacati, inveendo contro i sindacalisti e strappando le tessere.
Cgil, Cisl, Uil hanno le loro gravose colpe (se la coscienza di classe non è più concepita, la
colpa è da attribuirsi, oltre che ai partiti politici di CENTRO-sinistra, anche alla dirigenza delle
strutture sindacali della classe operaia) ma la recente tendenza ad affidarsi a singoli che, sotto
l'ala di avvocati stipendiati, suppliscano a questo ruolo, è deleteria in quanto tende ad allontanare,
non a ricreare, la necessaria coscienza di classe. I cambiamenti devono essere fatti dall'interno
del sindacato, affinchè la linea sindacale riscuota i successi conquistati in passato, quando
la Cgil era un punto di riferimento della classe operaia. L'impegno per un cambiamento rivoluzionario dell'esistente non deve mai venire meno, l'apatia è dannosa alla lotta di classe.


Northampton County Prison Mirsa Case

awkward 3rd Event Number

Questi primi tempi di nuovo governo Berlusconi ci hanno rivelato un'incredibile
xenofobia purtroppo radicata in molti cittadini. Gli episodi degli incendi ai campi
rom costituiscano un segno grave che non possiamo sottovalutare. Le misure rerepressive
prese dal governo (impiego dell'esercito e simili) rischiano di rivolgersi
against the working class and in this connection that have been designed.
In all areas we see action definitely right, and
more retrograde. As the re-evaluation of the conduct of
students. The working class is divided, without a guide. But we also had
some positive signs: we can not appreciate the recent outcome of the conference
of the PRC. Although our party has faced a conference with
results show that essentially compact, and clarifying the
strong will to overcome sectarian and give life to a single subject that can arrange
future struggles of the working class. This fall will be really hot ....

workers' demands 2

ad personam laws
The specialty of the knight 3

Secret History 4

resistance and anti-fascism 5

The unit of resistance
The communist standpoint 6

The character
Gianfranco Fini 7