Thursday, January 27, 2011

What Are The Symtoms Of Chlamydia In The Mouth

Holocaust Remembrance Day

Perhaps it is all too easy today to be moved and even shed a few tears in front of the faded images, captured by American soldiers as they enter the Nazi concentration camps, to witness the tragedy that was the ' Holocaust

The invitation and hope that our association is to address this at all on this day is to make loud and true feelings of disapproval of the cattiveria umana: allontaniamo il rischio sempre incombente di contaminarli con l'ipocrisia di una vita vissuta senza il rispetto del prossimo e della sua dignità umana!

How To Get Onto Poptropica At School

Un'affare serio

There is a call that turns many blogs already and that I would continue to spread: it is the appeal launched by the blog donnepensanti .
The reasons why I feel I have to distribute are:
- are tired of living in a land of dwarfs and dancers;
- I a country where meritocracy was worth;
- I wish it to prevail the "substance" and not always just the "appearance"
- I do not like this commodification of women;
- I led administration ethics, passion and sense of duty, responsible for dealing with serious faces, linked to social, school, public health and not influenced by personal gain;
- I want a normal country.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cruises For 30 Somethings

LAB.L & D stages "Happy Funeral"

Sono soddisfatto e commosso, non pensavo che a Palagiano ci fossero queste qualità e queste professionalità ”, “ Rappresentazione ben riuscita, con un ritmo veloce, che ha compensato la lunghezza stessa dell’atto unico ”, “ Mettersi in gioco è sempre una cosa positiva, sono stati tutti bravissimi, brava anche l’Amministrazione che sponsorizza e finanzia questa bellissima esperienza teatrale ”: questi alcuni dei commenti registrati dopo il saggio di fine corso del primo laboratorio di espressione teatrale, organizzato dall’Associazione socio - culturale Luce & Sale.

Happy Funeral ” il titolo della commedia rappresentata, liberamente tratta da “ Il povero Piero ” di Achille Campanile, per la regia di Michele Cipriani e Arianna Gambaccini. Come ha spiegato Domiziano Lasigna, “ l’Associazione socio - culturale Luce & Sale, of which he is one of the pillars , wanted to include in its production and organization of a new brand, LAB.L & S, for not only more organized summer shows, but also theater workshops. The show marked the end of the first work began in February 2010 and ended in December of that year. " Commenting then the outcome of the show, wanted to highlight how "Achille Campanile bring on stage is not easy, they have succeeded magnificently to interpret the parties to arrive immediately to the public, and I also love the audience response, an attentive audience, who followed the steps in the comedy. It 'was an exciting evening, the boys are expressed at the most, and there was a good result because they have worked well . Finally, he thanked the City Council, who shared this initiative. Among the actors, the Headmaster Preneste Anzolin, which has provided the auditorium of the Elementary School G. Rodari. "said my father, was his thought, that people must learn to do and try everything. I had a wonderful experience working with these boys and girls was exciting. These initiatives are used to recover the spirit of social life, being together, in una società improntata all’egoismo e alla solitudine, all’esclusione ed alla discriminazione. Per il mio ruolo professionale, è di assoluta gratificazione, ed è stata la prima volta che qualcuno mi abbia messo in mutande! ”. Il riferimento è ad uno dei passaggi chiave della commedia, che gira intorno alla morte del povero Piero, il cui ultimo desiderio è rappresentato dal dare notizia del suo decesso ad esequie avvenute. Il povero Piero però, all’improvviso ritorna in vita, reclamando tutte le cose a lui appartenute, di cui si è fatto man bassa: orologio, scarpe e vestiti, con i pantaloni indossati dal suocero, la cui restituzione ha indotto Anzolin a rimanere in mutande sulla scena. Although Bell has repeatedly rejected the identification of his work with the theater of the absurd, can not escape that in many of his works that structure is present, even if not dominant, represented the comedy is a case where the death of Piero is just an excuse to pillory all the clichés that accompany a funeral, but we can also quote "If the moon brings me luck," and "Tragedies in two bars." Among the latter, if I remember correctly, even on a Piero, that death knocking at his door, he replied: "Go later, because now I'm not well .

Joseph Favale


Salon Interview Thank You Notes

Happy Funeral - The funeral video

by Gianna Del Drago.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Metal And Leather Bracelets To Get Engraved

Risotto alla zucca gialla - ricetta per pentola a pressione!

portatissima Since I am not in the kitchen (say that in general are waaay scope for leisure) and do not have much time to spend in the kitchen, usually eat dinner in a cold plate (ham and cheese mostly), but sometimes I do take the senses of guilt and then ...
So last night I tried a risotto with pumpkin, quick and moderately good, I would recommend:
premise that the recipe is not serious cooks, it is to be achieved with pressure cooker (of which I am a devoted supporter; -))
700 gr. pumpkin (weight before cleaning)
350 gr. Rice
4 small tomatoes
1 liter of vegetable stock (vegetable nut)
oil (2-3 tablespoons)

Brown on the bottom of pressure cooker two cloves of garlic, then add the tomatoes and when they are slightly wilted, add the pumpkin and cut into tocchettini salt.
After a few minutes, add the rice and allow to thicken slightly, then pour the vegetable stock and close the pot.
Cook for 8 'from the whistle, lowering the flame.
When ready to add, to taste, a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese.

Buon Appetito!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Xeon Vs I7 For Rendering

Happy: comments.

Yes, I agree, we have witnessed a great "first". Intended as the first trial, which opens pathways other than those previously fought, successfully, by the company of "Salt & Light".

As I said to Domitian - who asked me what I thought - I do not have hair on your tongue and mouth until I find a troppo esigente, al netto delle inevitabili “imperfezioni” dovute a un certo ritrovarsi in luoghi della tecnica teatrale ancora non del tutto esplorati, considero che si sia trattato di un'ottima prova. Non vedo l'ora di veder sottoposto a tale nuovo trattamento uno dei prossimi copioni della premiata coppia Lasigna-Mellone.

Per poter descrivere quanto a mio parere è accaduto, mi viene naturale riferirmi a un concetto espostomi una sera a tavola da Leonardo Marco (lo chef-patron de “ Il Poeta Contadino ”):

Quando preparo un piatto di orecchiette con le cime di rapa, il piatto lo elaboro e lo rielaboro, ma alla fine mi dico contento solo se, assaggiandolo, mi sembra di ritrovarci lo stesso sapore che deliziava il palato di mio nonno.

Piatto altamente rielaborato dunque, quello portato in scena ieri sera; ma posso garantire che, alla fine di un lungo percorso attraverso “sapori” per certi versi sconosciuti, il risultato è stato quello di sempre: divertirsi divertendo. E, d'ora in poi, anche deliziandoci.

Mimmo Forleo

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Happy Funeral - Warehouse

Oakley Sandals Old Model

funeral .... Happy happy night!

E' bello andare a "teatro" a Palagiano.
E' bello scoprire "l'avanspettacolo" anche Palagiano.
smell the sacrifice fill the stalls.
feel the emotion transmitted from the stage to the chairs ...
magically turned into seats.
Close your eyes and "see" a school place in a green field of culture.
And then ...

Young actors committed to treat yourself sprazi of "contemporary mess."
A happy group that enjoys having fun.
an audience that blends with the protagonists

months of work that become successful.

Happy night!
Happy and Magical evening brought forth by an association that has' entered a complicated "school play" ... and that has paid off immediately.
I'm talking about the last show, "Happy Funeral", staged for the lucky few from the "gang" led by Domitian Lasigna.
A gang of hungry theater, in a country hungry for theater. Salt & Light
Palagiano has not failed to even tonight.
E 'is now ready for any jump.



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Un frivolo sabato pomeriggio

E 'Everything happened very quickly Saturday morning, it took a ring around it to arrange time and meeting place. There
been seen for about a month (for us it is a bad record, because we are accustomed to seeing us with our. Families almost every weekend), a series of events (mostly related to seasonal illnesses ) we have taken away, although phone contact has been almost constant.
Riunite in nome dei SALDI! siamo veramente tre donne frivole, un po' madri e mogli degeneri (c'è chi ha lasciato a casa i bimbi e il marito con la polmonite, per la verità tutti ormai in fase di guarigione) e anche un po' incoscienti (la ns. capocordata ha avuto pochi giorni fa un piccolo incidente alla mano, ennesimo di una serie tragicomica che dura da anni).
Obiettivo specifico dell'incontro, raggiungere un negozio di scarpe conosciuto,  per motivi di lavoro, dalla ns. personal shopper, fashion addicted o amica spendacciona che dir si voglia. Data la confidenza con l'esercente è riuscita addirittura a far anticipare l'orario di apertura di 30 ', the merchants know customers become attached to more generous ;-).
For the aforementioned friend shopping is a bit 'disease, finding all the shops where there is the best value for money, the higher the discount, the more advance fashion fashion at an affordable price and with its we also advice us to do some business.
The drive is nicely marked by laughter, stories and talk as if there were to see a real life and also the next two hours were very light and carefree.
We have tried almost all the shoes / boots of the store, even the models that will surely non avremmo mai comprato e la proprietaria è stata davvero gentilissima ad assecondarci, ha tenuto botta a meraviglia alle ns. richieste, senza preoccuparsi del fatto che il numero di scarpe in giro per il negozio stava salendo in modo esponenziale. Quando ce ne siamo andate sembrava un campo di battaglia.
Per farla breve siamo uscite con un bel bustone per ciascuna.
Io ho preso un bel paio di stivali con il tacco, color tortora, che mi piacciono da morire (nonostante io ed il tacco siamo su pianeti diversi) e sono stati apprezzati anche dal Babbone, che da sempre adora il genere e per una volta non mi ha dato della spendacciona.
Anche le altre hanno made good acquisitions (despite our Guru had vowed to be there just to keep us company was inevitably involved in the spiral of purchase!).
The return trip has flown by, time is spent in a while and we promised to meet again for a short sun women (husbands tremble!), This time we will go to the spa ... I can not wait ' now!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vera Bradley Outlet Pa

AUDITORIUM G.RODARI ( Bachelet) Palagiano
SAGGIO DI FINE CORSO del 1° Laboratorio d'Espressione Teatrale LAB.L&S.
In scena HAPPY FUNERAL liberamente tratto da "Il povero Piero" di Achille Campanile. l'Ingresso con INVITO è riservato ai "Soci" e agli "Amici L&S".

Phildar Disney Knitting

Gnide do to me! The Fajar os de fora de pesciadus Jent.

Atira to the legacies dail y reis sues you and jus do.

From San vagnele do Mati (4 Mati, 12-23)

¹ ² Do that Gejù at Aldi, you ch'an â sciuri Jan porjun,
Tla Retrat s'àl Galilee.
¹ ³ In a Lasco Nazareth, Capernaum ad'abité Ji,
che é dlungia him milk, tl RaiUno of Sébulonn and Naftali.
Ćiodich'al ⁴ ¹ dô s'ademplì,
dit ci E GNU ch'al three of them the prophet Isaiah:
¹ ⁵ The tera tera Sébulonn and Naftali,
mer la strada dl The therapeutic delà Iórdann dal, pagan Galilee:
¹ ⁶ you
people rather violent tla shutters odu na lom Lomino;
to those who vio tl Rëgn dl'ambria dla mort, on the device you na lom.
dail inant à ¹ ⁷ From Gejù metu man from incundé:
repent! Deac is the KINGDOM OF daimprò cyl.
¹ ⁸ Tratan that Gejù step dlungia the lech of Galilee,
to odu fredesc dui, idiot, appointment Pire, y fre know Andre, the ê
der tl sciuré fora la rëi te lêch,
ćiodich‘ai ê pesciadus.
¹⁹Y al ti à dit: Gnide do a mé!
I fajarà fora de os pesciadus de jënt.
²⁰ Atira ài lascè dailò sües rëis y ti é jüs do.
²¹Da jì inant àl odü dui d‘atri fredesc,
Iaco, le fì de Zebedèus, y so fre Jan;
ai ê cun so pere Zebedèus te barca y arjignâ their reis.
Al and cherdè,
² ² oh and throw chips in your boat and pere
and you are entitled to the Gejù.
² ³ Gejù per wheel gives the Galilee
outstanding TLEs sinagoghes, incündâ reads vagnele dl Regno
Pópulo endowments and varies tl y les les maraties soferënzes.

the people rather violent tla shutters odu na lom Lomino;
to those who vio tl Rëgn dl'ambria dla mort, on the device you na lom.

Letur Cer or Cer teofilus, silly dijess St. Paul,
t'él will never be sozedü incuntè na y Porson from Sint which will chel dé inant ; TO Lié to destin sò? N‘odlada, na parora, y te savôs che nia ne foss plü stè sciöche denant? Tl contest de na relaziun d‘amur ti vëgnel a val‘ de te dit „colpo di fulmine“. I arati che al vëgn tut ca chësta metafora bindebo cruënta propi deache te chisc momënć ne laora la rajun nia plö cis- avisa sciöche sce al ti ess dè jö le tonn; mo chësc tonn atoca inće diretamënter le cör y fej en „dann“ ireversibl.
Ti àl mo inće dè  jö le tonn ai cater apostui, Sciumun Pire, Andrè, Iaco y Jan? Un dötes les rajuns Chest conclujiun by Rove. I Cater ê pesciadus Ince and cello in milk and sunshine of Galilee fishing on foot, with one so often Pires Andre le fre Iaco with Jan and under Perez. No scenes of Lauro de Vigne decade sciöche vignun us go to him to score Laura. Out of level n and you sarëgn passl Gejù dij Mader: " Gnide me! I Fajar outside of pesciadus jente ". Y insciö he sozedü you al the Job you will tonn. I pesciadus Cater to chip is there to take ci TLEs hands, kings, boat, le pere ji by you of the Gejù. Mo ci if Ai mo never stung? Silly bele a dit, it Laora the rajun nia plu cis; na rajun sound (ein Gesunder Menschenverstand) dijess "Pu Ji ho pa? Pu Ji to do us pa? I will you cunësci bit nia, ćiodì put signs pa cun you? ". For us it â degönes informaziuns sura? Hola? Ćiodì? Co pa? Tan pa? - To leave Madeira y dot and jus cun Gejù. No, to do jus give it to you and Nia Gejù do Aveia metu stadira are pro y contra-no, to you and jus do Deac to you to de ton tl jo the heart. For a leave dot, the Deac à incuntè na Porson that à Ji was sent cun y is from there that was FEJ: Esther de pesciadù Jent, incuntè y les porsones makes you conësce of, the Ji Do you cherdè from a Gejù.
Gejù silly to the cherdè APOSTU if chërdel ince nos, y silly to you to de jo APOSTU to the ton, if the incineration jo Tuna nos. Y if it shows Gejù chërda are trus y desvalis the FEJ you mainira der na tla individual life vignun de de nos. Datrai if intenun multi tert force myself, the foolish discepui de Emaus, who Gejù fajô in green drone you NOSC heart. Spo sintiun is that the strides that is the strides that if armed Daite; mo instësc messun de nos de sce or not, I Ji Do in Chesco sentiment ince the SCE is tru strënt y sfadius, Ince Canche to Parliament that if destödes chel drones. Jì Gejù to do any or of to SÖ nia na na way you dotrina inteletuala prescriziuns ite or ringworm, the Ji Do you or to which Porson à na na vit a certain way. Chesca Ji Do not you save us or co if FEJ Theme; the mo I plowed many, that if Gejù chërdes por ingianè whether, if the door if the true chërda por ligrëza. Por the Ji Do you conësce messunse y por ti Ji Do messunse the conësce. No, SCE will do vas Gejù in, move it aras pa nei sigurtês; impurmò Permit Tues sigurtês you davagnaraste la liberté. Datrai Daral imento you that you capësces nei, te damanaràs: "Emo, that pordërt este pa to? We host pa to be me? ". Mo Jaras set you do, the Deac is the pasciun you you that you leave degöna Fisheries and leaves that nei pro life that you dais SÖ chest cun el.
Gejù it from you that you nia ches informaziuns uresses Aveia de te sigue por Sinti you instëss propi Deac to you ais ó clay. At its stlü ó nei jo en cuntrat clausoles cun mile from you, to o to mo amur y tüa pasciun. Daniele Comboni ti à lascè sciöche regula de vita a sü miscionars: „ Tignide i edli fić te Gejù Crist “... i me pënsi propi deache madër Ël te dà la forza da jì inant y da ne dè nia do. Porchël „ spera tl Signur, sides sterch, to cör se implësces de coraje y spera tl Signur “ (fora dl salm 26). ( lv )

Convertìsse! Deache le rëgn dl cil é daimprò.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Half Brazilian Half Filipino

"... keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ and love him dearly ..."

They make up this provision with the most essential to always keep your eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, loving him tenderly

; every hour and ensuring better understanding of what it's like a God who died on the cross for the salvation of the soul;

often and renewing the entire offer of themselves God,

health and life,

in certain circumstances the most fervor are all together in a common and explicit formal consecration to God themselves,

performing each with humility and trust in His grace even to martyrdom.

Bred with these maxims our candidates,

can not fail to be good instruments in the hands of God and of 'legitimate representatives, to assist in this difficult undertaking.

San Daniele Comboni

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Does Chlamydia In The Mouth Look Like Thrush

What game?

18 hours, the door closes behind us, my grandmother is gone.
just us two, we have a little 'time to spend together and after the thousand received kisses to greet my arrival home, I place an interesting domanda:
- Ciopo giochiamo insieme?
- Shiiii mamma
- Ok che gioco facciamo?
- Mangiale!...(mangiare)
- Tu cucini ed io mangio?
- Shiiii
Così per qualche minuto giochiamo assieme nella sua cameretta sedute al tavolo Mammut, con pentolini, verdure e frutta, dolcini di stoffa (grazie IKEA per questa meravigliosa proposta!) e poi ...
- Mamma batta (basta)...metti film....
- Potremmo leggere un librino; rilancio con rassicurante entusiasmo
- No, film! vedele film
- Facciamo una bella tower with blocks of wood? (another vain attempt)
- Want to make a design then?
- No, sin made Ashila ...
- Ok ... so we have designed the nursery to play with the balloons ... I shot them and you take them? ( ok this game is not that funny ... but after several proposed ideas are scarce)
- No, mother bees Quetta (no open this mother), indicating the chest of games ... okay, it was found that a game to play together
After entry into the chest, have set up inside, shouting for joy and have seduta sul bordo, anche questa attività è stata abbandonata (l'ho sollecitata io a smettere per paura che la serata si trasformasse in una gita al pronto soccorso!) e quindi ancora:
- Mamma batta...vedele film ...
Ho così ceduto alle sue richieste e le ho messo il DVD che mi ha chiesto (Biancaneve per l'ennesima volta! sigh!), senza discutere o proporre altro, perchè confesso che questa è stata la soluzione più comoda per avere un po' di tempo per  mettere casa in ordine e preparare la cena...
Rimangono i sensi di colpa.
Voi che giochi proponete ai vostri piccoli? Che attività si adattano ai 2enni? intendo attività che non li annoino subito e che siano divertenti ed educative?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Can You Get Implantation Bleeding Twice

... Happy winter! Sporting

The Crist de Valiares.

Manu and Michi.

Ciara e Francisco.

sleigh rides.

In a short rest you can with a brandy and some biscuits also make snapshots with the horses!

nade to nosta CIA.

Ear Cleaners For Humans

Ski School - San Vigilio


Cindy's Stefano.








Masterbation In School

Deus Caritas Est

House of Charity. Albinea.

Brother Paul. Missionary in India.

Sisters of Charity.

Mafalda and Adriano.

Casa della Sofferenza.

Don Luigi. Missionario della Caritá.

Don Giuliano. Missionario della Caritá.

Suor Laura. Casa della Caritá. Fontanaluccia. Modena.

Cristo per noi.

Suor Ernestina e Cristina.

Brother Paul.

Don Luigi.

freedom of worship

Sacristy. Church of Santa Teresa. Reggio Emilia.