Alegria, and paz para os homens bem
Ca Na land.
Alegria, and paz bem: Jesus was born
em Belém. Merry Christmas and happy new year from your blogger!
Boas Festas!
Greetings from Chiara and Zeno.
to give
Salvacao from Alegria.
Prosit! Manu and Kalle!
Bun Nade!
Happy holidays. Clare and Adrian.
Joyeux Noel!
Happy New Year dinner.
Frohe Weihnachten!
Last week I went to start a new community center (Prayer) in the heart of virgin forest. Three hours of walking in a tunnel where the green difficult to filter some sunshine. The sacrifice was great, but greater was the joy of bringing the message of Christ to many poor people and to celebrate Mass for the first time in a strip of forest that stretches for hundreds of miles to the Guapore River, which marks the border with Bolivia. Was also immense satisfaction to be able to discover and enjoy more and better intelligence and the size of the wild forest.
The coach before me, by Cicero ... "These are the plants Sering, from which we extract the rubber ... "and shows the pot placed at the foot of the trunk to collect the milk dalla pianta, e mi spiega il trattamento per coagularlo e ricavarne la gomma.
I “Seringueiros”, per la maggior parte Amazzonesi, cioè discendenti di Indios, o Meticci, partono di notte percorrendo una certa area in modo da poter incontrare, prima dell'alba, almeno 30 – 40 piante di Seringa (o Seringueiras). Con una tecnica propria, praticano dei tagli sulla corteccia in modo da far convergere il latte della pianta ad un unico canaletto in fondo al quale collocano un piccolo recipiente.
Sono sempre armati per difendersi dalle bestie e dagli Indios.
Come i minatori, portano legata sulla testa una lampada a resina o petrolio che faccia luce e lasci libere le mani per il lavoro. Rifanno poi il cammino raccogliendo il latte. Arrivati all´accompagnamento, in giornata, devono pensare al trattamento del prodotto.
Il procedimento è primitivo e noioso: Riscaldare il liquido che, condensandosi e diventando vischioso, viene avvolto nell´estremità di un bastone fino a formare una grossa palla elastica.
After a few weeks of this work, and accumulated a good amount of rubber, leading to the nearby market. The price that is more convenient and Seringueiros in a few years, they can make themselves a better life, but it is not.
After wasted in drink, play and ... worse, a good portion of the proceeds, they return to their camp in the forest with a little 'of food for the family. They spend a few more weeks in idleness, lying on their networks, or hunting, and then, when all reserves are gone, pick up the hard work of collecting the milk of "Seringueiras. Per loro la vita è quella, l´hanno nel sangue ed è difficile che uno di loro cambi mestiere.
La coltivazione razionale di piante di Seringa, in aree ben determinate, che il Governo sta promovendo, potrà risolvere in parte il problema.
“Quelle…, continua ancora la mia guida, sono piante di CAUCIÚ…, di Castagna (la castagna Amazzonese può pesare un Kilo), di Cacao… Mi fermo di fronte a giant tree ... How many men will it take to embrace it? ... "Come, Father, there are even bigger ..." I push the look up trying to guess the height ... "can often reach one hundred meters," says my friend. (I do not think it can go that far ...) I then lists and points of hardwood trees, and for the hardness of the color and the grain Mahogany, Garrote, Mburana etc ....
There pericolo camminare da soli nella foresta? …
Ed allora il discorso si porta sugli animali, serpenti, uccelli…, ed in quel momento passa svolazzando sul nostro capo l´ARARA, specie di grosso pappagallo dai colori sgargianti. Mi parla pure di erbe medicinali, di fiori.
Cammino in silenzio, assorto nella contemplazione di tante meraviglie e nell´ascolto della voce degli animali e del mio accompagnatore che mi sembra in quel momento il famoso Mago delle fiabe…
Arriviamo a clearing: a group of men, women and children welcomed me with shouts of celebration ... It takes courage, I think, to live here!
A torrential rain, preceded by thunder and lightning, fell on the thatched shed during the celebration of Mass and the administration of baptism. Turn to the good people in simple and understandable ... "Why the poor, so abandoned, paternal gaze of God is turned on you with more tenderness ..." .
men looking wide-eyed while their mothers, touched, caressed the heads of their children ... Many, too many children are dying ...
And now, friends, where to start to reach the road before it gets dark: - three hours walk and three of the Jeep and we'll meet again in April, after the rains ! "Father, returns !...". Never fear, Merry Christmas , trust and assemble every Sunday to worship with the catechist ...
Last month a group of Indians of vistai SURUMI tribe. With the Jeep to get very close to their MALOCA (village). Living in the primitive, what is the dress (bare) and power than the type of work and activities: hunting, fishing, making bows and arrows. They speak their own language, only the boys know a few words of Portuguese. They follow their traditions and tolerate very reluctantly that the government exerts control over them.
assistance of FUNAI, the government body for the protection of the Indians, it is almost insignificant. While it is concerned that the Indians are not exterminated by the white invaders of their lands, keeps them segregated in other species riserve, impedendo qualsiasi opera di civilizzazione e cristianizzazione, anzi, volendo espressamente che si conservino allo stato primitivo. Il contatto poi con i Bianchi e certi abusi… li contaminano favorendo lo sviluppo di malattie epidemiche.
Da qualche tempo, Suor Luisa, Missionaria Comboniana e infermiera di grande capacità, nonostante il divieto della FUNAI; va a visitare questo gruppo di Indios portando medicine e curando gli ammalati. Gli Indios l´adorano e l´aspettano sempre a braccia aperte. Fu con Suor Luisa che mi recai a visitare il loro villaggio.
Gli Indios vivono una vita comunitaria. Il villaggio era formato da alcuni grandi capannoni, ben fatti – a differenza di altre tribù. In ogni capannone vivono 4 o 5 famiglie.
Quando mi avvicinai alla porta del capannone centrale, il capo mi guardò con aria di differenza e domandò alla Suora, che capisce un po’ la loro lingua,: “Chi è?” - "Amigo," said the nun. And then the word "Amigo" went from mouth to mouth like a password and I saw their faces relax, and smiled.
"Husband? ... Brother ?...", continued her head.
"Father," said the nun, trying to explain the meaning of the word, namely: the man consecrated to the worship of the Great Spirit.
The head seemed to have understood why he took my hand and put it on the head in blessing.
He sat me near him, on a pole.
He approached a woman and looking at the crucifix around her neck, I wanted at all costs for her child. I left because it is dangerous to contradict them, especially for those unfamiliar with their ceremonial, almost always based on the exchange of gifts.
While the sister took care of the sick, I was looking at the peaceful production of bows and arrows. It was hard to take some pictures ... did not like.
I went out on the little square and was surrounded by a group of children, beautiful, bright and intelligent. - What a pain! If you could have the freedom to organize a school for them and some service center!
Almost upon leaving, he approached a woman who, through words and gestures, almost pleading, invited us to open and enter into a hut that looked abandoned. We knew that, or superstitious or some traditional use, it could not enter the hut. Impala and took off the branches that closed the entrance and saw in center of the hut the remains of a pyre on which they had burned the corpse of her baby died a few days before.
At the start, we parted cordially, and the chief gave me a bow and two arrows. The children followed us to the entrance of the path where we left the Jeep. We did go for a ride ...
We took with us a boy about 12 years old, the sick, to be able to heal better in the middle of Pimenta Bueno. The comprai un paio di calzoncini ed una camicetta e rimase molto soddisfatto.
Purtroppo, il fattore salute e questo continuo essere ricacciati in zone sempre più ristrette (spesso con violenza) sono i fattori responsabili della lenta ma inevitabile scomparsa della razza India.
QUEST´ANNO I will spend Christmas in the forest, visit the communities. 2-3 hours on foot, from community to community. NETWORK TO STAY ON THE SHOULDER, WITH THE BAG TO PUT IN HAND if applicable, AND SO FROM 20 TO 28 IN DECEMBER.
Merry Christmas!
Cin Cin! Clare and Elizabeth.
Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas!
É festa!
Paz na Terra!
Franz, Maurizio, Alma, Mia, Albert.
Times change, and we with time,
but not in the ways of friendship.
Inge, Martin, Anita.
Nobel per 2011 Peace women of Africa ...
symbol of life that resists!
Tone, Rossignol, Manu.
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